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Preparing for KotFE


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So I'm at a crossroads. I'm currently going through the SW Story and really enjoying it. I've done the knight story, I want to do the consular and inquisitor as well. As an opinion of the 4 force classes which would seem best lore wise for KotFE outlander premise? I think right now its a toss up between SW and JK, but I don't want to make a decision until I play through the Inquisitor and Conc class stories. As for choices, both SW and Inq I play mainly honorable samurai type personalities so usually I go lightside/pragmatic decisions. And the two Jedi toons will be mainly lightside.


Thanks in advance for the impute.


Oh and classes will be Guardian, Shadow, Juggy, assassin. My current JK is a Sent and I find him just a bit too squishy.

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No one really knows, there's not enough information to say. Preumably there will be enough class flavor to make all classes fit in fairly (although I can't really figure how the bounty hunter would fit in exactly, but we'll have to wait and see). My recommendation is to just enjoy all of the class stories, take advantage of the XP boost, and choose at launch.


Just go with the class that you find the most enjoyable.

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So I'm at a crossroads. I'm currently going through the SW Story and really enjoying it. I've done the knight story, I want to do the consular and inquisitor as well. As an opinion of the 4 force classes which would seem best lore wise for KotFE outlander premise? I think right now its a toss up between SW and JK, but I don't want to make a decision until I play through the Inquisitor and Conc class stories. As for choices, both SW and Inq I play mainly honorable samurai type personalities so usually I go lightside/pragmatic decisions. And the two Jedi toons will be mainly lightside.


Thanks in advance for the impute.


Oh and classes will be Guardian, Shadow, Juggy, assassin. My current JK is a Sent and I find him just a bit too squishy.


Without spoilering the Inquisitor too much...they have the clearest "vision" for themselves and their faction of the four. I would also say that they're far more dangerous in a kill-or-be-killed general war than Light Jedi are; strength in the Force may be comparable but Light Jedi just won't do what a pragmatic Inquisitor will.


If you are interested in spoilers/don't want to go through all the dialogue to piece this together...



The Inquisitor wants to be an immortal Emperor in his own right, and is well on the way to both parts of that by the end of Yavin. They and Marr are all but running the Empire themselves, with the Inquisitor openly disdainful of Darth Ravage, among others. And Marr is dying underneath that armor while, if the Inquisitor isn't truly immortal yet, they are almost unkillable with everything they've done to themselves.




If Inquisitor, I strongly recommend male. You will want to advance companion affection with Ashara and that is far easier if you are opposite sex.

Edited by Canareth
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actually i played a fem si use alot of goifts on her but found she agreed with alot of my choices


And I played a female dark side Assassin and I want to toss her out the nearest airlock. I got her legacy unlock and then immediately lost about 100 faction with the last conversation. It's like talking to a wall. DURR, YES, I'M DARK SIDE, I HATE JEDI, YOU DUMB^$$ HEADSOCK MIME. Ugh, she is awful and I hate her. Even Skadge has entertainment value. I really hope I can kill her in KotFE.

Edited by Cedia
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