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Theory: The Outlander has been prophesied to deafeat Valkorion/The Eternal Empire.


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Ever since KotFE has been announced there have been statements made by characters and by developers that seemed odd to me, but when you put them all together, they heavily imply that there is a prophecy at work here.


It started when KotFE was announced and the characters were introduced


"Destiny is a lie. Fate is the falsest of hopes. I am beyond prophecy. I forge my own path by making the difficult choices.

Now, it is your turn.I am not without mercy. Surrender and you may live. Stand against me, and I will turn you into a monument for fools who believe their victory is preordained. Choose wisely" - Arcann, The Dark Prince


Me: why does he talk so much about Fate and Destiny? I guess he's just weird



"It has to be you. Find the strength within yourself to persevere and sacrifice your own needs for those of the galaxy. You're our last hope." - Lana Beniko


Me: Of course we're everyone last hope, it's a classic RPG narrative.



“We’re going to win this thing. I’m telling you, its destiny.”

"Someone has to stand up to tyranny, right here and now. To make it clear that we reject this twisted vision for the galaxy. Someone has to own up to their destiny and fight." - Koth Vortena


Me: We're destined to win? sure, I guess.


Also Statements from the Devs!


“With the fall of both the Republic and the Empire, effectively you are that chosen one."

“You’re special, and you’re special for a reason!” - Michael Backus, Lead Designer


Me: Well, I guess he means that we're "The Chosen One" because only us can defeat the Eternal Empire


"The villains in this story aren’t just out to conquer the galaxy—they’re after you, personally" - Jesse Sky, Creative Director


Me: After me, personally? Wait, what did I ever do to them!?


Since my main is an Inquisitor, I thought that maybe she is so strong in the force that Valkorion sees her as a threat, but that can't be, it has to be something that could be applied to any class, Sith, Jedi, Trooper or Smuggler. Then it all came back to me, all this talk about Fate, Destiny and being the Chosen One, it has to be a literal prophecy, very similar to how Anakin was part of a prophecy himself, I just hope we don't screw up like he did.


EDIT: It also reminds me of how The Grand Marshal fears Riddck in The Chronicles of Riddick, because there was a prophecy that he would be killed by a furian. Also frieza blowing up the planet Vegeta and almost drivin the Saiyan to extintion because he feared the legend of the super saiyan.


But this begs the question, if we're such a big threat to Valkarion, why didn't he kill us, instead of carbonizing us?


I'll elaborate further on my next report...


--------------------- END TRANSMISSION --------------------------







Nah, just kidding, I have no clue lol

Edited by ChazDoit
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Doesn't seem like terribly flawed logic, if a bit... circumstantial.


I'm curious though; were this true, I wonder how we'd find out about this. If it's something in Imperial/Republic space we'd hear about it before getting iced in carbonite. I wonder if perhaps somebody in the Eternal Empire prophesied this... and that is why they made their move? So we won't find out about it until after we get thawed.

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Well, aside from game mechanics cause duh we're all uber special snowflakes. I'd say we're just that special. Oh we might not have known about it when our toons were growing up (ie before lvl 1 newbiness) but we could have been the 'chosen one'. Who knows. I could understand the Sith and Jedi cause ya know, force powers, but the non force users, what makes THEM special that they can save the galaxy/universe and not break a sweat? Cause as cool as my smuggler is, she has no force powers aside from those she got from her mother and aunts that has turned into my heroic moment abilities. *shrug*
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"I have a prophecy. You'll be beat up by a unlucky but competent bounty hunter and one of her friends because what's left of the Empire gave her some credits to do so."




"Or by a pretty Chiss dude who stabs stuff. He's sneaky, though. Works for the Sith and hits on everything."




"Or maybe just a really lucky random pirate chick in a big hat."


If I was Valkorion, a powerful forceuser, and anyone predicted one of my characters was going to beat him, I think I'd ragequit.

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"I have a prophecy. You'll be beat up by a unlucky but competent bounty hunter and one of her friends because what's left of the Empire gave her some credits to do so."




"Or by a pretty Chiss dude who stabs stuff. He's sneaky, though. Works for the Sith and hits on everything."




"Or maybe just a really lucky random pirate chick in a big hat."


If I was Valkorion, a powerful forceuser, and anyone predicted one of my characters was going to beat him, I think I'd ragequit.


HAHAHAHA. They'd say the same about my toons. We've got a LS Inq chick who loves bugs to the point she has a stuffed one (like a teddy bear version) in her bedroom, much to Andronikos' major eye roll. Got my LS Sith Warrior who is a complete and utter goober, which makes sense her Smuggler daughter is a complete goober too. We've got my Bountyhunter gal who's LS and finds spending her vacations on hot and sweaty planets with her Mandalorian husband frustrating and wants to spend it in the lap of luxury being fawned over. We've got my trooper, married to a Cathar, who does gooberish things. My Jedi Knight, who has three children, married an ex man-ho and finds the stuff he does adorkable. And then we've got my Consular who has two kids by two baby daddies and won't break up or choose either one. And my Chiss Agent, who's daughter is a Jedi Knight, and enjoys being with her Joiner hubby, and listening to rock music in a bra-less tank top and booty shorts one would wear at home to lounge in while she does her toes.


Yeah..........if the Zakuul Empire falls to one of the above, they were already on the verge of total fail and lullerskates before my gals made contact. :p

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I'll elaborate further on my next report...


I also just realized you're spoofing poor Master Gnost-Dural here. That guy is virtually the only sane member of the Jedi Council at this point. Cut him some slack, man.


Dat Eru. He's been trolling since the Third Music.


Will you marry me? :p

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