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Limit Solo Mode


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The OP's suggestion proceeds from a false assumption, which is this;


Limiting or restricting Solo Mode FPs will get more people into groups/Group Finder.


No, it won't. Players who don't want to deal with groups still won't want to deal with groups. What will happen, is that they will simply not run that content at all, or they will wait until the level cap is raised and they are overleveled and overgeared and just solo it anyway. In either case, it will not have the effect you're looking for.


And the false assumption that there are not enough players to form groups, the easiest solution for anyone compaining about grouping is to roll a Tank, and become part of the solution!

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I played EQ1 from launch. My server, Mithaniel Marr, had a community that was usually helpful, in which a character's good name meant something and where everyone knew the best guilds and players by reputation. Everyone. A character being blacklisted for ninja looting or other general ***hattery was not unusual, and was truly painful for a couple of years until they allowed paid renames.


But why did we have such a strong sense of community? Camping. Endless camping. Killing the same fricking room of mobs every six minutes for days, if not weeks, or months in some cases, with essentially the same people who leveled at the same rate that you did. I still am friends with some of those people 15 years on, because we had literally nothing to do but talk for hours and hours while camping the loot diamonds among the vast amount of gear coal. I helped lead 72 person pickup raids later, and you saw the same people over and over, and raiding for sometimes ten hours in a row was a bonding experience. Kind of like MMO boot camp. You never forget something like attending the second (and for a LONG time, the last) pug raid to down Rallos Zek the Warlord. That crap mattered.


But I would rather never play another MMO than be forced to do any of that again. I can't believe I did it to begin with. I have no solution to the community problem because the best communities I have experienced were predicated on shared suffering. Talking to a fellow EQ1 vet is like joining an MMO Players Anonymous group. We mainly talk about how it was totally awesome in the same way binge drinking is awesome. Fun at the time, but jeez how bad it is in retrospective. And how we will never ever play that kind of game again.


There are totally people who would, and do. I, personally, will take the loss of community in exchange for my ability to see more content how I want and when I want. I spent too many years in games where solo content was group content you just had to LEARN to solo. And I did. Uphill, both ways in the virtual snow. But mainly I was forced to group to see new content and that sucked. I simply do not have the time or energy to group with strangers much anymore. I helped two new 55's complete Oricon today and it took me twice as long as I can do it solo. They were perfectly nice guys, but I was perfectly sick of herding them like cats when it was done. And group finder does nothing to foster community. Cross server would do even less. Every group finder I've run is a race to the end complete with spacebarring and a "ty for group" when it was over. Now if they made us camp something 12 hours straight together....but then I would /ragequit :-D


Great post! This brought back memories of FFXI, "MMO players anonymous" "shared suffering" all oh so true there too, haha!


Add to that years of hardcore raiding in that other MMO (you know, the big one), four nights a week, and it all adds up to a whole lot of "please, no more!".


I like to play at my own pace, I don't like to rely on others or have others rely on me, not anymore. I like to be able to walk away when I want or need to. I'd like to see us all have a choice in how we play and not be slated for that.

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And the false assumption that there are not enough players to form groups, the easiest solution for anyone compaining about grouping is to roll a Tank, and become part of the solution!


Very occasionally, group finder is short on DPS.


Very occasionally. Usually it's healers and tanks. Also depends on the time of day.


About the only thing I would personally change about the new 10-65 tacticals is to leave the classic defined roles available, or leave the old-style way of doing them as group finder options. Lowbie hardmode!

Edited by ALaggyGrunt
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Is having more options not always the better choice?


If I am being honest up to a while ago reading the forums here I had no idea there was a segment of players that preferred to do things solo, after all in an MMO you are supposed to play together riiight? Or so i thought.


Anyway I also read that said players don't do a lot of group content for various reasons so to me it seems there isn't a whole lot of difference. The group finder will still be as slow / fast as it was (not accounting for potential new players with the expansion ).


And as long as neither option given an unfair advantage to either party then who am I to tell people how to play.


In fact if they keep the solo FP loot system similar to now maybe only the last boss can drop a piece of class appropriate gear and can allow everyone to get the KOTFE equivalent to 186 basic comm stuff. Be it in group or grinding it on their own. With all FP bumped up to 65 we can even specify drops to encourage players to visit all FP! Chest from Lost Island, Leggings from False Emperor etc etc

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I'm all for more solo mode content. In my guild they report themselves as a guild to build progression teams. I did some SM ops with them and then they said that I would have no chance of a SM progression team even though they did tell me I was a good tank. What I found was they were stuck in a mentality of HM ops and didn't want new people getting in on the action. They also said there weren't enough people. I said stop some of the HM stuff and SM and you'll get more. They had more people ready for SM and a lot of those quit over not getting opportunities. I have to say I welcome the solo stuff so I can get the story and not have to skip it because of elitist HM ops people.
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If you can't get Groups for content that's your problem not mine so don't force me or anyone else to play content in groups because you fail at getting a group


fp are designed for a group..it's bw fault if they are going towards a solo kotor 3 experience, which they should have done from the start if it's what they wanted. i understand that a huge part of the playerbase just wants to see the story and prefere soloing stuff, and it's evident from how many struggle with ez mode ops and how many are clueless about the possibilities of their class, but it's not good for an mmo with sub model...

now that they involved mmo fans it's stupid to change the experience completely to solo..

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And the false assumption that there are not enough players to form groups, the easiest solution for anyone compaining about grouping is to roll a Tank, and become part of the solution!


-amused- then they will tear their hair out at the sheer amount of stupid that is pug/groupfinder tanking.


Heals that arent really heals, just dps who que as heals to get a pop.


Derpy DPS. Dear god if its not mara/juggs blindly leaping into un-necessary mobs, its inqs knocking back the groups of things that are grouped to AOE


Theres a reason i only tank stuff for guildies/friends. :p


(I main Imperial, replace correct Pub class in the proper places)

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