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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Heatseeker Missiles only have missile sounds on ship?

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I know this is a bit of a nitpicky thing, so I'm not going to be devastated if it isn't addressed, but I've noticed that on the Arsenal Merc, the gigantic noise for heatseeker missiles only plays on your ship used against the training dummy. When I use heatseeker missiles in any other place, there's just a click noise. Though it isn't a huge issue, I would certainly love to hear those kinds of sounds in a boss fight when using my heatseeker missiles. I'll attach a video below shortly of what I mean.
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Yup its a sound bug issue mate, same with fusion missile, makes the launch sound on the ship and in pvp warzones but not anywhere else or operations.


That and heatseeker as you said...


Back in 1.3 they even had extra sound effects (heat seeker sounded even better than it does on the ship atm) and tracer missile even had a charge and launch sound when casting! 1.4 removed this and the sounds have been bugged/crappy since :(


Sound restoration on these would be nice....


A load of other sounds got changed in 1.4 too for other classes, charged bolts (used to sound alot better), charged burst etc

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