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I can see why some of you behave the way you do...


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Thats my thing with PVP, theme park PVP to me is alot like FPS PVP, i just want to fight and objectives are meh. Unless I'm gear grinding for coms then i guess I'll care more but even still you get decent coms for losses to so what is the point?


Oh to be playing you back in the days of ranked 8s.

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Because I'm an above average player, so me being in the fight is worth more than someone else in almost every match.


"The thing that unites all PvPers together is that deep down we all believe that we are the above average player." Misquoted from Dave Barry. :p


Seriously tbough, why do people apparently think it's the bad's job to guard? I was in a WZ with some guy asking "who's going east?" I started to go and he types "not you, you are too good". (He caught me after a previous match where I was somewhat useful.) Then when that node got taken from us he was ranting in chat about it. Isn't it actually valuable to have someone who knows how to handle themselves be the off-node guard? They potentially have to survive 2 or 3 vs 1 long enough for help to show up sometimes.

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When 2+ people b-line the off-node in CW or NC or AH first thing in a match they are all but gauranteeing a loss of the middle (assuming there isn't a large power/skill discrepancy between the teams). It's a sacrifice gamble and for every time it works my guess is that it fails at least 3 times with good teams on both sides. If -everyone- agrees to go for the off- node as a sort of trick play, that would be something different (but going for the same trick play over and over - not gonna work). Those people as well as the healers that go to the home node first just to start whining about how the team has decided to leave a healer to solo guard are the people that have caused my forehead to grow callouses and my desk to have developed numerous cracks and dents. Edited by Savej
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"The thing that unites all PvPers together is that deep down we all believe that we are the above average player." Misquoted from Dave Barry. :p


Seriously tbough, why do people apparently think it's the bad's job to guard? I was in a WZ with some guy asking "who's going east?" I started to go and he types "not you, you are too good". (He caught me after a previous match where I was somewhat useful.) Then when that node got taken from us he was ranting in chat about it. Isn't it actually valuable to have someone who knows how to handle themselves be the off-node guard? They potentially have to survive 2 or 3 vs 1 long enough for help to show up sometimes.


Because there is literally no reason to be bored at the off node while 2-3 people on your team do 500 DPS and never cap mid. If we're going to lose, I'd rather be enjoying the PvP aspect of the warzone while some terrible player loses the off node. It's also far easier to not lose a node than to take one. You can be terrible at PvP, but if you can type inc and pop CDs to not die in 2 seconds that's better than nothing.

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Because there is literally no reason to be bored at the off node while 2-3 people on your team do 500 DPS and never cap mid. If we're going to lose, I'd rather be enjoying the PvP aspect of the warzone while some terrible player loses the off node. It's also far easier to not lose a node than to take one. You can be terrible at PvP, but if you can type inc and pop CDs to not die in 2 seconds that's better than nothing.



Exactly this.

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Because there is literally no reason to be bored at the off node while 2-3 people on your team do 500 DPS and never cap mid. If we're going to lose, I'd rather be enjoying the PvP aspect of the warzone while some terrible player loses the off node. It's also far easier to not lose a node than to take one. You can be terrible at PvP, but if you can type inc and pop CDs to not die in 2 seconds that's better than nothing.


Oh, but you would rather those derps guard the node by themselves, getting wasted, not calling, then leaving the warzone while the node gets capped? Real smart for an "above average player".


Not wanting to guard because you feel you are superior makes you, in fact, the average player.

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Oh, but you would rather those derps guard the node by themselves, getting wasted, not calling, then leaving the warzone while the node gets capped? Real smart for an "above average player".


Not wanting to guard because you feel you are superior makes you, in fact, the average player.


Your ability to stop yourself from watching Youtube videos while guarding doesn't make you good at PvP. Whether they are at the off node or the main node, they are still gonna derp.

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Your ability to stop yourself from watching Youtube videos while guarding doesn't make you good at PvP. Whether they are at the off node or the main node, they are still gonna derp.


Meh. I disagree. Not about the youtube part, but about where I'd rather have the "derp". I'd rather have them in the group, where their derpiness is mitigated by other players who can pick up the slack, and *gasp* maybe they can even learn to get better by watching what those other players do (ok, ok, I know - that never happens, so just forget I typed that). Putting them in a position where they can pretty easily be single-handedly responsible for losing the match seems to me to be the worse of the two possibilities for the team.


But that's just my opinion, and everyone know what they say about those.

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I actually saw someone go to grass in CW, capture it then run off and leave it, when questioned why his matter of fact response was "I'll capture it but I ain't staying there".


As the only healer in hypergates the other night I was left on the pylon, I asked if someone could replace me and just got a barrage of sarcasm whilst they all died in the middle giving the other side kill points and orbs.


I, too, play a Republic Healer and true to form, I often run to a node or pylon to heal the person or group there until it is cleared (or we all die, it happens) and then everyone runs off leaving me, the healer, behind as the guard? I then scream in chat that I am guarding and then que the sarcasm that comes back to me me including, just go!

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"The thing that unites all PvPers together is that deep down we all believe that we are the above average player." Misquoted from Dave Barry. :p


Seriously tbough, why do people apparently think it's the bad's job to guard? I was in a WZ with some guy asking "who's going east?" I started to go and he types "not you, you are too good". (He caught me after a previous match where I was somewhat useful.) Then when that node got taken from us he was ranting in chat about it. Isn't it actually valuable to have someone who knows how to handle themselves be the off-node guard? They potentially have to survive 2 or 3 vs 1 long enough for help to show up sometimes.


I am amazed at the attitude of some players that guarding is beneath them and should be relegated to the bad players. So now the bad player is guarding the node/pylon and what do you expect the outcome to be? It is also exasperating to hear some folk say that those who guard should be able to do so without help. You may be great 1 on 1 but what if 2 or more arrive, what then? (I have seen amazing Operatives do amazing crowd control, at least in delaying node capture, so there is that winkle.) A good guard calls for help the moment he sees an enemy and can live long enough until helps arrives. I don't expect a guard to defend on their own and that would be arrogant of me to think so. It is all about teammates helping each other out for the win. If you won't help out, then winning will be much harder (if you care about it).

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I am amazed at the attitude of some players that guarding is beneath them and should be relegated to the bad players. So now the bad player is guarding the node/pylon and what do you expect the outcome to be? It is also exasperating to hear some folk say that those who guard should be able to do so without help. You may be great 1 on 1 but what if 2 or more arrive, what then? (I have seen amazing Operatives do amazing crowd control, at least in delaying node capture, so there is that winkle.) A good guard calls for help the moment he sees an enemy and can live long enough until helps arrives. I don't expect a guard to defend on their own and that would be arrogant of me to think so. It is all about teammates helping each other out for the win. If you won't help out, then winning will be much harder (if you care about it).


Generally have to agree. I almost always end up guarding. Partially because I can handle it and fend off two or 3 for 20 to 30 seconds while help comes. If the team leaves a lvl 11 whatever class to guard it's almost guaranteed he/she will be 3 shotted and the cap lost. Also, I do find it frustrating when the enemy team has proven they fully intend to harass a cap with 3 players routinely in the match and NO ONE will come help you guard it.


I've just about quit caring. LOL

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