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Knowledge of the Sith Code among the Imperial populace


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I wonder why, on Korriban, our characters stumble all over themselves trying to recite the Sith Code. Wouldn't knowledge of the words pretty much have permeated worlds under Imperial Control?

Just as much as, say people of my generation in the USA know the words to the Pledge of Allegiance? <we had to recite it everyday in the classroom when I was in elementary school>.


For the sake of gameplay you can still have the Masters <I.e.Baras> recite the code and tell you it has "deeper meaning" than the words you may have recited out of rote" or some such.

But I would say that in as tightly controlled regime as the Empire, people pretty much would know the words themselves.


Although the Republic seems to be, in short, either oblivious or naïve. To negotiate a peace treaty with an opponent whose whole credo has as the VERY first line - "peace is a lie". :p

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I wonder why, on Korriban, our characters stumble all over themselves trying to recite the Sith Code. Wouldn't knowledge of the words pretty much have permeated worlds under Imperial Control?

Just as much as, say people of my generation in the USA know the words to the Pledge of Allegiance? <we had to recite it everyday in the classroom when I was in elementary school>.


For the sake of gameplay you can still have the Masters <I.e.Baras> recite the code and tell you it has "deeper meaning" than the words you may have recited out of rote" or some such.

But I would say that in as tightly controlled regime as the Empire, people pretty much would know the words themselves.


Although the Republic seems to be, in short, either oblivious or naïve. To negotiate a peace treaty with an opponent whose whole credo has as the VERY first line - "peace is a lie". :p


I think a lot of it has to do with getting the players introduced into the universe.


For as awesome as the smuggler is supposed to be and how some players say they start out with a rep, notice how they know nothing of some of the most popular worlds in the galaxy?


Nar Shaadaa, they know nothing. Coruscant, they know nothing. You know nothing of any species other than humans. NPC with a real rep? You never heard of them, even if the rest of the galaxy has.

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I think a lot of it has to do with getting the players introduced into the universe.


For as awesome as the smuggler is supposed to be and how some players say they start out with a rep, notice how they know nothing of some of the most popular worlds in the galaxy?


Nar Shaadaa, they know nothing. Coruscant, they know nothing. You know nothing of any species other than humans. NPC with a real rep? You never heard of them, even if the rest of the galaxy has.


You know nothing Jon Snow.

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that depends. with the SW it does seem odd your char's not been taught it. but for most civilians I doubt they know it. the Sith seem likely to keep the particulars of the sith, arcane secrects from the population at large.


Yea, this makes literally zero sense. The Warrior is the crème de la crème of Sith social hierarchy. The Sith Code should be instilled from birth.


The Empire as a whole operates on the Sith Code, unlike the Republic with the Jedi Code. The populace at large should be familiar with it, even if it doesn't have as deep a meaning for non-Force-sensitives.

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