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Why is marrauder so hard to play?


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I have a level 60 marra the first char had and my main but as I dabbled in other classes I noticed something this class is very hard to play compared to the others. I have a mercenary, a gaurdian and a sage and all of them are way easier to play. When I leveled my marra I died over 50 times, I died with my mercenary 10 times, none with my guardian and 8 times with my sage while doing planetary and class missions I do not count the flashpoints.

He dies so easy the damage is great but its hard to keep him alive hard you need a lot of time to learn this class and my question is why did Bioware made such a hard class compared to the other ones with the possible exception of then ones I did not try.

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Yes that is the problem Sentinel/Maraurder is defensively weak and there is no good justification for it. How does it thematically make sense that a concelment/scrapper of equal skill will beat them in a duel 100% of the time?

I mean how can a Sith Lord always lose by getting punched by a Han Solo type?

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Yes that is the problem Sentinel/Maraurder is defensively weak and there is no good justification for it. How does it thematically make sense that a concelment/scrapper of equal skill will beat them in a duel 100% of the time?

I mean how can a Sith Lord always lose by getting punched by a Han Solo type?


Lucky that nobody cares what class is the dps in PVE or else nobody will use this class.

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Devs hate us, we were too good before the big nerf, there are some ideas, but really noone can tell you why are we in such bad place. Note that in pvp sniper, merc has similar survivability issues, but in pve they are at least much better. We struggle everywhere, Watchman rotation is idiotic, selfheal is pathetic, Combat burst is just long lost memory, Concentration (Focus) aoe is gone, its just single target burst now (really devs, whats the usage difference between Combat and Concentration??? both are single target burst spec, Sharpshooter and Saboteur is very different for slingers)
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While there's no denying Sentinels/Marauders are rather squishy overall, I'd say your problem isn't actually that there's a problem with the particular AC, but more the newness of everything. First character in a new game is always the hardest to level, since you know very little about how the game's mechanics work. After that first character, though, things will always seem easier because you're more comfortable with the game in general.
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This is pure conjecture on my part, I have no DEV comments to back me up but this is my guess. A couple years ago when I was a fixture everyone in PVP was complaining about how overpowered we were because of Smash and other things as well. Even players like me who are average in skill relative to other exceptional players was putting up monster numbers . I think the term glass cannon, gear mitagated the glass part so it was all cannon. Since the bread and butter of any MMO is PVP that had to nerf us into ground to make all the other players happy. This makes sense and is more than fair but this is my default class of playing so it hard to swallow.
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