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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Are individual "loot bags" back?


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It's already in the game and it's called commendations. You can get 2 Elite and 1 Ultimate piece a week. If those gear set weren't so bad that 186 crafted enhancements are better than the utilmate ones it would work. What your saying is that people should just farm those new commendations and be able to get the best gear for it.


The other extreme is running the raid 1300 times and still not getting the set bonus to drop, while you watch the guildmates you're raiding with win 5-10 redundant copies of that same set bonus piece.


Happened to me in LOTRO (granted this was set bonus jewelry in a much more repeatable instance, with about a 1/100 theoretical drop rate). Guildies would have happily traded me the piece they'd won ten times over that never appeared in my loot bag, only they couldn't.


Eventually I ended up (unsurprisingly) burning myself out on that game and stopped playing it. I think that's the kind of thing SWTOR is trying to avoid by going more casual--but removing failsafes that are presently in the game will result in a certain population that gets burned out by the wrath of dark side RNGesus.


At least at present players have the option of finding a sympathetic group of friends and setting Master Looter to bypass RNG entirely, or in the most extreme cases, buying a loot run. A loot bag system has the potential to completely remove that kind of failsafe if not done properly (if anything else keep the timer that lets you trade pieces to people who really do need it, when you already have it, as the lack thereof was what broke LOTRO for me).


The best solution IMO is a hybrid. Individual loot bags to counter loot ninjas. However have a backstop option to get set bonus from (operations-only) comms. The comms cost of a single set bonus piece should, however, be quite high, probably around the cap for commendations, to ensure it remains a last-resort-option.


P.S. I literally ran that LOTRO instance with guildmates trying to farm that drop at least 1,310 times the last I looked before logging out permanently. That was no exaggeration. With no ML or other failsafe option, combined with lockouts, there will be some people who run/clear the content to get geared but cannot actually get the gear before 5.0 drops.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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I am of the opinion, that "loot bags" would make it easier to gear up. I am one of those players that has very bad luck, and I can get in a run and get nothing. One of the discouraging things to me about doing an OPS is exactly that and it is very time consuming to run it many times, with alts as well. If this helps guarantee I can do an OPS and know I will leave with something I can use, I would be encouraged to run them more.


However, since hard core raiders are already angry, at least have a toggle.... OR Make it so only GF OPS get loot bags, further encouraging GF to be used, while discouraging the ninja looters and runs not using GF have it traditional. A Toggle, as another poster mentions, would be neat.


As for FP's, by all means a loot bag....

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It's already in the game and it's called commendations. You can get 2 Elite and 1 Ultimate piece a week. If those gear set weren't so bad that 186 crafted enhancements are better than the utilmate ones it would work. What your saying is that people should just farm those new commendations and be able to get the best gear for it.


We both know that comm gear is not the same, even if it was optimized. What I am saying is that if you beat 70 raid bosses at 65 you get a full set of gear.

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From the recent ops/fp blog, I saw this listed in the hardmode flashpoint section:


"Just like the new Tactical Flashpoints, each player can get their own individual loot suited for their class from entirely new sets of gear."


I think this is going back to the system we had in story mode operations at launch where there was no need/greed/pass needed. You simply clicked on the boss and the system decided then if you got any gear or not.


I would be thrilled with this. No more losing out to ninjas!


most likely, yes. i liked that idea.

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