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Steps to create a Jump To Lightspeed?


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Just a silly pipe dream thread since everyone here already cares about Space Combat.


What do you think it would take for the Devs to take the GSF and expand it to be a small-scale PvP portion of the game similar to a more polished version of Galaxies:Jump to Lightspeed/TIE-Fighter?


We already have the Fighters/Bombers established as well as objective based gameplay that can cover some basic aspects of the game. But what it really needs is a sandbox feel to it. Massive starships that players can own and dock with and organize attacks from. Customization options for all player owned ships. Upgrades acquired from gameplay and Professions to upgrade and further customize the ships, as well as keep them equipped with specialized weaponry.


Various scale of larger than fighter craft with customization to give them a unique role to play.


Corvettes: Blockade Runner/Anti-fighter Spec/Anti-Missile Ship/Minelayer

Gunboats: Missle-Spammer/Cheap Heavy-Turbolaser Spam/Cloak Tech to launch coordinated ambushes with other ships.

Carriers: Allow fighters a Quick respawn point/Adv. Sensors to help said fighters with damage and targeting

Destroyers: Lots of Guns, Lots of Weapon Hardpoints, Can carry fighters, VERY expensive

Dreadnoughts: Like Destroyers but even more costly. Can hold expensive One-Shot Doomsday level tech like the Silencer Cannon at the cost of a large number of potential Weapon Hardpoints.

Space Stations: Can spawn fighters from a fixed location/Carries Adv. Targeting and Scanning systems/Can offer special benefits to the owner (Such as credit income and Req. to purchase new ships). Large Stations that can defend themselves from all but the most dedicated assaults while the owners are offline, or Stealth Stations that are smaller but incredibly hard to detect with incredibly advanced long range scanners that pierce the stealth of others at the cost of fighter bays.

Special starter/safe dock points for players as sanctuaries for their factions.


With the exception of select basic fighters and uniquely earned specialized fighters (Think Royal Guard Interceptor level Uniquely Earned without the broken Hitbox) all ships and the customization would cost credits for the first time and Requisition for all replacements. You can save preferred loadouts in a Customized Ship screen to avoid having to set up every replacement.


A rewards system for players of outstanding performance including numbers of kills with certain kinds of ships. Armor designs. Stronghold upgrades. Titles. Commendations of various quality. A small chance to earn a minute amount of Cartel Coins for the top performing players who not only kill the most but also control the most territories (So guilds will start to war with each other mercilessly). Opportunities to raid Hutt Cartel ships for large credit rewards as well as Credit Bounty rewards for killing the other faction. Player established bounties that act similar to GTN, you place a bounty on a Specific Ship/Station and whoever scores the kill gets the money. Unique Fleet Commendations that can be turned into Ship Requisition or Credits.


Set up the sandboxes in new locations like the Brentaal System/Telos/Bonandan/Eriadu/Ruul/Terminus.


Now there are always issues with things like this, such as win trading, attempts to avoid combat to hold territory and accumulate points peacefully, player apathy because it's not lucrative enough for them. With subtle tweaks to rewards to increase motivation (and no faction restrictions on the Bounty Board and keeping the Bounties confidential) players can ensure win-traders and combat avoiders are thoroughly hunted down by putting bounties on the expensive and hard to replace Stations and larger ships.


Now could this encourage griefing? Perhaps though it is unlikely that anyone playing this Sandboxed Dream Game that has a bounty on them got it for no reason. If someone is willing to pay top dollar to get another players ship blown apart it is likely for a good reason. Not to mention joining a guild can offer a great deal of protection.


Which brings up a possible Third Faction that is essentially banditry. Not a real faction exactly, the Guild (or Player) declares themselves a rogue entity in this Sandbox game and acts accordingly, attacking anyone and everyone for the bounties/lulz/or to just carve out a personal section of space. With unique rewards to go with it. The decision could be reversed at any time for money and if a player was in a Rogue Guild they are not beholden to it and can chose to join the Space Game as a Rogue or not and will not be automatically declared Rogue.


Because I don't want to play EvE.

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I would say its a turned up version of SW flavored Star Sonata, or a turned down SW EvE.


Would be nice, buuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

Sadly impractical considering we know how little Bioware is allowed to care about GSF or PvP in a game where many players specifically only GSF and PvP.

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Space combat for Star Wars Galaxies was a thousand times better than GSF, and that game was very old. I don't see why Bioware couldn't do this. Space in Galaxies is what made that game special.


Things you could do in space with that game:


1. There was an infinite variety of ships of all classes... ranging from non-combat Space Yatch to the amazing Millenium Falcon.


2. You could go inside your ship and decorate it as a second home.

3. You could invite friends aboard and man turrets while you pilot the ship.

4. Sandbox type gameplay: You go wherever you want... use it for travel, leisure, PVE or PVP.


Here's an example:

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