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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Warzone AFK exploiters


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The sad thing here are people trying to say their deserve to play anyway they want. Which is true to a point. They pay $15 a month to play like all of us. So why is it in MMO's if you go rampant with swearing and all in shouts and trolling in game you go to a ingame "jail"? Because their actions aren't acceptable.


Now you take those AFKer's and say "oh it's their way of playing then let them". But look at it this way. I join a warzone for the fun of a good match. A good match isn't 5-6 vs 8 because of afker's. So say those 5-6 agree with me and we decide to quit playing this game. that's $75-90 less that BW makes off it's players. Do you really think that BW will really sit back and let themselves lose almost $100/month for ONE person to playy warzones? I know they wont. No respectable business will.


ill be honest ppl are already mad at endgame stuff and most who are 50 are in guilds that have ppl who are not so until raiding picks up ppl will run the warzones. Although you won't get a good match in any warzone unless idk you make friends. Join a warzone with 5-6 or even 7 friends and your problem is solved. There's your team stop crying be social not you baby it's me lmao.;)

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Well I just encountered my first one and it appears they've been doing it since early start :(


I didn't believe it so I spent half my time looking for the bugger and there they were standing behind a crate.


Roll back these exploiters and ban them from Warzones... They do it because they can get away with it and take the poop... don't let them!


and if there banned that's money elsewhere funny you all threaten my 15$ is at stake let's see if i recall someone said afkers where in every mmo and from what i've seen he is correct, call him a troll if you will he is right. wow had them, rifts had them, afkers if banned or gold farmers from wow still pay to run there accounts so in a company's eyes money in my pocket. Now if you ban them you god what's the term lose money so if i was bioware why would i do that if i spent so much on voice acting and would hope to regain what i lost and gain even more i wouldn't.



1 sub threaten's to cancel or ban the lot of them idk about you but that 1 sub won't matter a lot of them will.

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Thats the thing, it's not a way to play because they aren't actually playing. They are sitting there leeching the reward off of the team, and doing absolutely nothing for it. This game (and MMO in general) is based on effort and reward.


Bots won't be allowed in any respectable game because it benefits the player while requiring no effort at all.


Tell me how this afk situation isn't exploiting?


Oh and give up the $15 a month argument. We are all paying $15 a month and the difference is, the AFKers $15 "experience" is degrading mine. So here I am trying to get the situation fixed.


there not bots if there laughing/moveing and watching from there comp screen. Might want to look up bots again cause i don't think you know the difference.

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Proving once again WoW killed mmorpg's for us old schoolers. I remember playing these games because I wanted to, not to get "max" level and show off my e-peen.


Ya I know man - its a bummer - I still cannot even believe now many 50s there is already....now I do have a friend who has been playing non-stop since early access but he is only 47 because he is enjoying the whole story, I am sure tons of the people that were 50 by the time the game actually released skipped all the story...well the game I should say.


I am a normal working individual and my highest lvl toon is 25 - I also have 3 other lvl 11s because I wanted to try them out...I just dont get it....I will also be a 50 and have the same gear as they do, no one will know or care who had it first - but I will have enjoyed every minute of it - O well, just sad a bit to me


(like I said I think some 50s because of holidays did enjoy the story...but come on I saw 50 the DAY of release ...give me a break.....I hate the WoW mentality and refuse to let it ruin my experience)

Edited by Torn
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We had someone AFK on Rakata during Civil war, Imperial side (Emo something). It was frustrating. Is it their right to play that way? Sure it is. However, like all rights, they end when they effect someone else in a negative way.


Personally, I'd like to see them booted so a player interested in actually playing can join in.

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they copied in almost every way RIFT and other MMOs, why didnt they copy at least the "vote afk" option in WZ and debuf for early quit a WZ not allowing to enter for 15' ?? solution is really simple, just people are dump!


inb4 wow/rift/l2 whatever mmo fans' trolls

Edited by Vsagoulis
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Ya Ive been watching this afker, Carinne, we have on mask of nihilis, has some sort of bot program that makes them twitch. Just runs to a hidden area of warzone and twitches. The crappy thing is that usually there is only 1 game going on at a given time, and this pos is in there all the time, can't get a good game in because we constantly playing 7v8. They need a vote kick system, for players to agree to boot someone.


Yeah, I'm on that server, and Carinne is really ruining the war zones for everybody else.


It's to the point where a few of us are probably going to stop playing them.

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Starting to see multiple people afk in warzones. Seems like this issue should have been anticipated. What does bioware plan to do about it? With only 8 ppl in a match, 1 or 2 afkers is a game breaker.


Bioware hasnt anticipated crap when it comes to exploiting this game. It should have been simply programmed that if you have all zeros across the boards on pvp then you loose xp. Its already killing a horrible pvp system even more.

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Bioware hasnt anticipated crap when it comes to exploiting this game. It should have been simply programmed that if you have all zeros across the boards on pvp then you loose xp. Its already killing a horrible pvp system even more.


that wouldn't be fair to somebody who happens to join right before the match ends.


otherwise, I agree.

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Ya I know man - its a bummer - I still cannot even believe now many 50s there is already....now I do have a friend who has been playing non-stop since early access but he is only 47 because he is enjoying the whole story, I am sure tons of the people that were 50 by the time the game actually released skipped all the story...well the game I should say.


I am a normal working individual and my highest lvl toon is 25 - I also have 3 other lvl 11s because I wanted to try them out...I just dont get it....I will also be a 50 and have the same gear as they do, no one will know or care who had it first - but I will have enjoyed every minute of it - O well, just sad a bit to me


(like I said I think some 50s because of holidays did enjoy the story...but come on I saw 50 the DAY of release ...give me a break.....I hate the WoW mentality and refuse to let it ruin my experience)


No offense but just because someone was 50 the day of release doesn't mean they don't enjoy the game. I was 50 day of release, and I got to enjoy the story on a multitude of characters. Was lucky enough to be in beta. Main story lines weren't going to change from launch build to release so why watch it twice? Ps afk'ing in wz is lame <----on topic!

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I was reported for AFKing by a complete d-bag called Cideon in a losing match. He kept saying 'Reported' and of course I was like what? I afked for about the last 20 seconds and I was helping someone. Sometimes it does not mean we are AFKing whole time.


He then proceeded to message me and provoked my response and of course when I get upset I tell people to suck my ---. Then he was laughing, saying im ganna have my whole guild report you, and all this nonsense. I told him to **** off and he said now i'll report you for harrasment! Um..excuse me its not harrasment if you're harrasing me first. In any case, person claimed they had "video" and all this ********. Clear ******** nonsense because my damage output was about 6k. If I was AFKing the whole time, how would I not have 0 0 0 hrmmmm? Then the person implied I managed to do 6 K damage in the last 30 seconds.


Sometimes, this sort of blatant stupidity is not appreciated by all you whiners. The fact is little does he know my other characters are Valor rank 30+ so AFKing is NOT something I do. Don't falsely report people for AFKing unless they actually have 0 0 0 stats. It's dumb if you take out your failures on others.

Edited by CtJackHarkness
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Leeching with eyefinity is FTW.. SWTO on left monitor -> FIFA 12 on center monitor -> random pr0nz on right monitor! :) it's all about finding that special corner noone ever checks! 12 levels gained so far, doing jack *****et...



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Solution: Allow players to vote other players as "inactive". If they receive enough votes, that player will suddenly stop getting xp and valor from simply being in the warzone. If that person remains inactive after a certain amount of time (1-2 minutes), that person is removed from the warzone and will be unable to queue for another warzone for 30 minutes.


This solution was directly ripped from WoW and while it isn't perfect because it actually requires other players to put forth the effort in marking AFKers as inactive, I think it is a worthy example of how to handle these players that ruin warzones.

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Someone can help me to remember how long this game was in development?


Six years? And they have not done something with AFKers?


They haven't been able to do something effective about this in any game since instanced warzones were invented. Why do you think SWTOR would suddenly have a magic cure for this? It sucks, it's a problem, and there isn't a lot to do about it as evidenced across multiple games.

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I just reported one who's been at it for days now. The same guy reported by many people.


There's plenty of ideas of how to take care of idle players. Star Wars needs a "report an afk player" option in warzones no doubt about that. Some solutions could be to place the AFK timer logout on a lower number of minutes while in a warzone. If you're not doing anything, you're idle anyway. Even snipers and gunslingers move enough and cast buffs so it shouldn't be a problem that way.


Anyone removed from a warzone for being idle should also have a penalty before they can reenter another one. This will make it so someone has to do more work to be idle then to be actively participating. And if you're removed for being idle, you shouldn't gain any exp for that match whatsoever.


Simple enough solution? If not it's certainly better than what they have now, which is nothing.



*** Even Rift has a Report an AFK player option


And since PVP isn't a necessary part of the game, it's penalties for inappropriate behavior could also be much harsher. Get enough reports and maybe be banned from PVP for a week or worse.

Edited by CelesWylder
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Solution: Allow players to vote other players as "inactive". If they receive enough votes, that player will suddenly stop getting xp and valor from simply being in the warzone. If that person remains inactive after a certain amount of time (1-2 minutes), that person is removed from the warzone and will be unable to queue for another warzone for 30 minutes.


This solution was directly ripped from WoW and while it isn't perfect because it actually requires other players to put forth the effort in marking AFKers as inactive, I think it is a worthy example of how to handle these players that ruin warzones.


This couldn't be used to grief much :p

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I just reported one who's been at it for days now. The same guy reported by many people.


There's plenty of ideas of how to take care of idle players. Star Wars needs a "report an afk player" option in warzones no doubt about that. Some solutions could be to place the AFK timer logout on a lower number of minutes while in a warzone. If you're not doing anything, you're idle anyway. Even snipers and gunslingers move enough and cast buffs so it shouldn't be a problem that way.


Anyone removed from a warzone for being idle should also have a penalty before they can reenter another one. This will make it so someone has to do more work to be idle then to be actively participating. And if you're removed for being idle, you shouldn't gain any exp for that match whatsoever.


Simple enough solution? If not it's certainly better than what they have now, which is nothing.



*** Even Rift has a Report an AFK player option


And since PVP isn't a necessary part of the game, it's penalties for inappropriate behavior could also be much harsher. Get enough reports and maybe be banned from PVP for a week or worse.


You have to understand sometimes some peoples system locks up and they remain as logged in on MMOs, something could have happened etc. Excuse me if they didn't have the time to 'exit' the game for you. I myself had a scenario and I was reported as an AFKer for the first time by a harrasing d-bag called Cideon. I hope he rots in his filth of false reports.


The thing is, people like him is the reason theres no "Report AFK Button," it opens more room up for BS reports.

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