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Returning - Seeking advice on class choice - starting over


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I've been gone a while and a lot seems to have changed, and changed again. I currently have a sorcerer at 50 so I'll eventually go back to him to cap out, but for now I think it's best to start over. Without a lot of free time I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.


Primarily I'm concerned with PvE and the story (not end-game). Role isn't that important to me, especially with companions, but playing a solo healer would probably be pretty dull. When playing a character I pay more attention to mechanics than style, so lightsabers and guns are all the same to me.


My favorite mechanics are keeping abilities off cool-downs (SPAM!) and abilities that open up after a specific event occurs (ex. reposte). What I don't like is building x number of combo points before using ability X or Y. Basically I like chaotic spam and lack the patience to resist hitting attacks before I should :w_rolls_eyes:


Any thoughts would be appreciated!

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Bounty hunter power tech is really fun to play but I felt the class story isn't great.

I haven't leveled the imp agent but thats supposed to be the best story wise.With a BH you can spam as much as you want until your heat builds up.

My main is a vigilance guardian and I really like playing it but you'll have to build focus so you can't continuously spam attacks sometimes but I don't think it would matter too much.

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I'm assuming you're subbed. Whatever ya wanna do won't take much time with 12X class xp goin on still (until October I think I saw someone say) to get leveled up. Also do you have SoR? That may make life easier in the long run.


A sorc healer has changed significantly, but you may wanna take the time to go a few more levels before starting another char. Go to Makeb and use the GSI terminal (there's one on the space station before you head planetside, and then one area without one, but then one in every other area thereafter) The GSI will bolster you (but not your companion) and carry you through while you're there. 12X ends at 55, so after a few missions there, start Prelude to SoR. The whole way you'll have the superman robot that pretty much does everything for you. Here comes the important part...When you hit Rishi (I hit it about 57), you talk to this one guy right after you get off your ship and you'll receive 297 comms and a 192 weapon for your companion. You can remod all your gear and still have plenty leftover to use to support a new char for a while.


As for a new char, I recommend avoiding the warrior. You will find the rage management annoying, according to what you were saying. The agent is a good way to go. Its almost impossible to run out of energy. I'm assuming you don't wanna be a healer again. If you do however, be warned an op healer is WAY different and harder when coming from a sorc. A bounty hunter is also good, but you'll have to watch your heat management. After some adjustment it gets easy though.

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Without a lot of free time I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.


Try a agent, they got abilities that open up after a specific event and a fantastic story

Edited by Icestar
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I gave gunslinger a try tonight (I spent a lot of time on the Imp side previously - thought I'd switch it up). I ran through the first 17 levels and it's been a lot of fun so far ;)


I do keep seeing people talk about the agent story though so I might start one tomorrow and see how that goes too. Sniper / MM would be about the same I think?

Edited by dracoda
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I gave gunslinger a try tonight (I spent a lot of time on the Imp side previously - thought I'd switch it up). I ran through the first 17 levels and it's been a lot of fun so far ;)


I do keep seeing people talk about the agent story though so I might start one tomorrow and see how that goes too. Sniper / MM would be about the same I think?


Gunslinger is fun. Yes the agent story is awesome, I have played that three times.

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