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The problem with the 55-60 Storyline at Yavin


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In the story line, once you get to Yavin 4 it is explained to you through Darth Marr and Satele that the dark side "permeates" and is extemely strong almost to a dangerous level on Yavin. For the sith classes at least why is this a bad thing?? The two leaders act like being here has you in some sort of danger which i feel makes no sense.


Darth Nox is damn near immortal due to force ghosts, throughout the inquistor story you are trying to gain more power. If anything Yavin sounds like a great place to obtain some more power.


As the warrior you are the emperors wrath (assuming his not completely dead). If the emperor and his power is on Yavin 4. Sounds like you should be right at home. At least until you decide to confront him. (possibly fight him later on???)


Putting all the revan problems on the backburner, i dont understand why during much of the storyline they act like yavin is some sort of threatening planet.

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Some possibilities I can think of.

  • The dark side is going to make people more individualistic and distrustful of each other which is bad when unity is the main goal there.
  • The dark side is inherently damaging to those it touches. Darth Nox had to go through a lot of **** to prevent the dark force ghosts from killing them and this was after they were already very powerful with the dark side.
  • Marr does not want any outside influences on his thoughts. He is a very controlled individual despite all the dark power he weilds.
  • He very much does not want the other sith to be influenced by so much power since it makes it harder for him to control them

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Remember ruins of Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas? A lot of people were driven mad, sith included.


Pretty much this.


The Dark Side of the force, with no sentient will in control, corrupts what it cannot kill. It pulps minds and shatters sanity.


And to finish your signature: "...and I'm not sure about the former."

Edited by Diviciacus
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Sith characters should be very familiar with what the Dark Side does to Sith by the time they reach Yavin. Korriban, Dromund Kass and thei respective Sith character storylines are littered with Sith Lords who are falling to insanity and physical destruction. Not to mention the masses of normal humans who are driven mad as collateral damage; you euthanize a lot of people who poked too far into Sith tombs.


The only one with relatively little concern about crawling around on a Dark Side crypt world should be Nox - and Marr shouldn't be fully aware of how incredibly tough and unusual that guy is. Why would Nox tell him?


EDIT: Heck, the Warrior ran into a manifestation of the Dark Side on Voss and barely walked away from it.

Edited by Canareth
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