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Public Server Announcement


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The scene opens with a clear blue sky and pans down to a podium where you see a Sith Juggernaut, and he says:


Greetings and Salutations my name is Stranglar, most of you all know me from my trolling of the PeeVeePee channel on the imperial fleet, but today I would like to take a moment and speak to you about a growing concern to all people that elect to PeeVeePee. "Steps down from Podium, where a small boy is standing", Will you tassel my hair Lord Wraith, Sure kid, "Force choke" kids hair stands on end and we move on.


No, I'm not here today to address the growing jawa population, and it's threat to overwhelm the galaxy as we know it, but mark my words, soon a fleet of them will wipe out the imperials and the republic just sayin. Today I want to speak to you all about Imperial side PeeVeePee.


At the moment Imperial side PeeVeePee is to say the least "struggling". We have had an abundance of server transfers and rerolls and I would like to welcome you all to the server. However most of these have been republic, the numbers on pub fleet and imp fleet are askew by a lot most of the hours of the day. PeeVeePee pops on pub side are incredibly fast, and a lot of times are pub on pub. I have set in imp que for 20 minutes since the influx of people without a pop, which saddens me. Now don't get me wrong I enjoy playing PeeVeePee in fact it's all I do in the game, both sides of the fence, I have mirror classes of each toon I roll. but it's extremely frustrating at times with some of the stuff going on in Imps PeeVeePee.


Imperial's need more healers in PeeVeePee, to start with, the pubs seem to have two to three a match, "not over exaggerating either on this one" while we have none to maybe 1, The Pub PeeVeePee guilds are well coordinated and it's a pleasure to sit on a node sometimes and follow target of target of people as to how some of you all work. Imp target of target is more like you never see the same name twice or a target marker on anyone's target if you know what I mean.


While I am excited for all the new arrivals and server transfers, I would like to suggest that the imperial's need some players too. It's not as much fun killing people in PeeVeePee of the same faction imo.


As always any time spent in consideration of this matter is greatly appreciated should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at your convenience.


Stranglar, Seje, Sojo, Manglar, Saedist, Sojorn, Sylops, Syjy and the list goes on and on....

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Welcome to SW:TOR PvP and in particular SW:TOR PvP on TEH.


There is never balance. When one side is "perceived" to be doing better than the other side people literally jump ship. They transfer their gear over and start playing with the other faction because they "can't be bothered" with the players aka "bads" that are "presumably" causing them to lose their matches. It's been this way since the beginning. I've heard my friends that I've PvP'd with over the years say why are we playing with all these bad Pubs when we can go play our Imps and roll face all day long. On the flip side, when things weren't going well for the Imps, I've seen the good players jump right over to their Pub toons and ask if we had room in our group. This is just the nature of the beast. Good players gravitate towards one another in this game because the PvP community is so small. They don't want to stick it out and fight each other. They usually start playing together in a larger eight man group, but then the tell of the tape starts to show who of those eight players is the best and then those best four players start playing together and the other four players become the dreaded monicker "B team". The "B team" usually directs their interests elsewhere because they either don't care enough to become as good as the "A team" or they don't think they can become as good as the "A team" or maybe they just like the "A team" as people and know that when they fight each other their will be some sort of BS smack talk or some BS excuses thrown out for why this team or that team didn't win. But regardless, the end result is always metagroups. They always form, they've always formed, and they will most likely always continue to form in this game and in particular on TEH because the PvP community is so small. As a result, you get posts like this, being like what the heck? Imp side used to be way better with all of our Sorc pre-mades! What the blazes is going on? Why is everyone playing Vanguards now? Too much QQ, not enough pewpew.


Disclaimer: I'm not accusing the OP of QQing, just speaking generally about the history of PvP on TEH. Which is why your boy hasn't queued at all. I don't have enough time to keep up with the ******* that "can't be bothered" with sticking with their faction "for whatever reason" just so they can "hopefully" play with the better players and ultimately mess up the queue for their original faction and cause their new "FOTM faction" to get faction v faction pops all night long....


Anyways. Good luck with the PvP. Sorry to hear all the sorcs stopped PvPing.



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...snipped due to overwhelming sorrow and sadness that need not be read again - Lhancelot





Sindol! What has happened to you? What happened to the light-hearted, friendly, easy going hippie-swtor dude of old?


You NEVER were so downtrodden! Never so resigned, and SAD sounding!


Where art thou, dearest Sindol of old?!


This can't, shan't be the Sindol that I knew, the community knew and loved who ALWAYS had words of encouragement for his gaming brothers and sisters!


What happened to that Sindol? :(

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