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Which class goes best with HK-51?


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I'm something of an RP nut and pair my characters with companions whose personalities are compatible with their own. As such, I'm having a really difficult time with HK-51. Despite the whole "reprogramming" excuse, I can only see HK-51 as appropriate for some kind of Empire class. The question is which class is best suited according to the lore?


The Sith Juggernaut is one of my top picks. It seems like a belligerent, death-dealing enforcer would plausibly keep someone like an assassin droid at her beck and call. Having a heavily armored, monolithic Sith lurching forward like an unstoppable force while a deadly rifle-wielding droid picks off targets from afar leaps to the imagination. Strangely, I don't feel the same way about a Sith Marauder, who could probably just slice and dice a target up herself, or a Sith Assassin who might deem the prospect of having a second assassin as redundant.


My second choice would be the Bounty Hunter. Bounty Hunters tend to employ more technology based weapons (firearms, explosives, etc.) and a droid seems like it would fit in naturally. Also, it certainly helps that we've already seen numerous examples in which droids find themselves among the company of Bounty Hunters such as IG-88 and C-21 Highsinger. Plus, droids my opt for a smaller share of the bounty as their living expenses (food, room space, etc.) would be considerably lower if not non-existent.



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I totally head-canon some rationale for my Agent to have an HK-51 droid, as he inherited the thing from his father. But he was denied access to the droid until later, when he started his work for the Empire. Legalities are funny things, anyway, hehe.


But honestly? I just can't stand Kaliyo, so I had to come up with some reason for him to be running around with a droid during the vast majority of Chapter 1. Who's bright idea was it, that my Agent didn't get another companion until Alderaan, anyway??

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DS Trooper and Agent are my top head cannons for an assassin droid with SW as a close contender. For Havok Squad there is no question that you add a merciless assassin droid with a sniper rifle to compliment your hulking tank buster droid and provide long range support fire. For the Agent, a silent, accurate, tireless murder robot is like a present under the tree for a covert operative relying on subtlety to survive. SW is a master of melee and meant to hold the enemy's attention, what better to compliment her in combat than an agile, never missing assassin droid picking off those trying to run or take her down with munitions and heavy ordnance?
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In all honesty, Bounty Hunter and Sith Inquisitor top my list.

Bounty Hunter is pretty self explanatory, he' out hunting and HK is great backup etc.

I think the SI could have HK as a show of power kinda like "Yes, I have a droid who's parts were thought to be gone" and "I have a droid that kills jedi, it'd be interesting to see what it could do to you". It'd also make one heck of a bodyguard which being on the dark council is very needed. (Damn those Sith and their politics).

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All good opinions! I guess HK-51 works well for any Empire class depending on how you imagine it. I do like the idea of a Sith Sorcerer having a personal assassin droid, what with all her underhanded dealings and undermining of political rivals. Still, I feel Sith Juggernaut and Powertech work best, especially if you have the Imperial Assault or BH-7X customizations.
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