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What about Concentration?


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I see so many threads about the state of Watchman or the state of Combat, but nothing on Concentration. Is it actually a decent spec here on the Sentinels? Why aren't there any talks on it?

Seems nobody use it ... watchman or combat PVE/PVP ...

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For pvp, Concentration is the best best, high single target burst, moderate aoe, has cc immunity, nice defensive passives. For pve, it's useful for some add-heavy fights with frequent target swapping.

Watchman has selfheals, but it's weak and doesnt have burst heal, it's single target dmg is nerfed; Combat is the easiest to shut down, just cc during Precision and it's dead, for pve they are both viable, but melee are generally disadvantaged in opses.

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I've used Concentration almost exclusively since 3.0. I seem to get the lowest APM with it compared to the other specs, oddly enough, but I still parse on par with the other specs.


It's extremely front-ended with 2 of your big hitters possible in your first 3 moves, which I enjoy. And it's now viable for both single-target and AoE, which makes it fantastic.


Not sure how it ranks in the Ops these days, as I've gone more casual and don't have time for multiple hour sessions anymore, but for everything else it's incredibly viable and very fun to play.

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Not sure how it ranks in the Ops these days, as I've gone more casual and don't have time for multiple hour sessions anymore, but for everything else it's incredibly viable and very fun to play.


The ops now a days are very much geared towards ranged DPS because of some harassment towards some of the games programers and there families.

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Thanks but it is still difficult to switch it over maybe once I max level I will translate it to the Sentinel Side and submit it to Dulfy.


Oofalong has an excellent guide thread on page 1. Just scroll down and have a look.

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Fury/Concentration specialises in PvP and solo PvE content like levelling and dailies. I NEVER EVER use it during ops since it brings nothing useful as a tradeoff for the lower DPS but in PvP this is the only spec I would consider 1v1ing an Assassin/Powertech with (and even then you'd have to show more skill than them to stand a chance). I play all 3 in regs and do well with them but this is my go-to spec when I really want to crush in PvP. In ranked, no question, the CC immunity is too good to pass up.


Going back to PvE, if you're finding you're parsing the same in Annihilation and Carnage as you are in Fury, it probably means you need to practice the other 2 more rather than this being a viable Ops-worthy DPS spec. Frankly, there are no fights in the current tier where I would consider Fury over Carnage or Annihilation. With an Ataru Strike on Sweeping Slash in Carnage, and the heavy Smash nerf, Fury isn't even the niche AoE spec anymore outside of trash that dies in 1 Smash.

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