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Most locational ambience sounds still broken.


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The “Fountain: Jedi Temple” Decoration can no longer be heard throughout the Stronghold it is placed in.


Well, you fixed the fountain decorations, but the rest of the sound sources are still bugged (or rashly optimized?)


Burning decorations like the tribal camp fire or rishi idol still can be heard at full volume regardless of distance as long as you're in their sound-sphere. The field generator from Kaon now screams all across the room, even when you turn it off.


Same for sound sources in regular game areas:

  • Datacrons
  • Fountains on the republic fleet
  • Waterfalls and lavafalls on Makeb
  • Street lanterns in Anchorhead
  • beeping medcenter equipment in the Rakghoul tunnels


Seems like 3.2.1 turned off distance based sound attenuation on those objects, they now play at full volume within their sphere.


This is very noticable and distracting because this is not how sound works in real life. IRL, the volume decreases with distance and doesn't stay at full volume until it's completely cut off at max distance.


Please fix this ASAP. Either restore the sound system to the previous functionality or adjust the other affected sound sources to the new system like you did with the fountains, even turning off those ambient sound sources completely would work for me, just don't leave it as it is now.

Edited by Mubrak
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Please fix the game's locational ambience sounds.


Just doing the Foundry, and the data terminals can be heard at full volume right trough the wall during your first conversation with Revan.


If the performance gain from disabling distanced volume was so big that you won't go back to the old system, then disable those sounds, give us a separate game setting to adjust their volume, or go through the game and modify the volume on every single one of them placed across the game, like you did with the fountain decorations. :mad:

Edited by Mubrak
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  • 2 months later...

Still broken.


I can hear the life day fireplace across the whole floor on Nar Shaddaa this sounds more like a room fire than a soothing fireplace, was overjoyed when I saw the deco and couldn't bear to have it in my stronghold longer than a minute. The sound is too annoying loud and reaches too far.


If it's too complicated to restore the pre 3.2.1 sound system, then better disable local ambience sound.


The loss in graphics and sound quality this game saw in 2015 is depressing. :(

Edited by Mubrak
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