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Stop spreading the rumors that carnage is the best pvp spec for marauders.


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There is no best discipline for maras in pvp.

While there are some notable exceptions of course, maras in the current meta simply aren't well equipt to deal with pvp dynamics.


I play a Carnage Marauder.

I love Marauders.

We suck in pvp.


I do tend to agree with OP however, at least in spirit. I've heard that carnage is the best spec for pvp as well, but carnage marauders are too easy to shut down with present gore window design. With all the stuns, mezzes and roots that many other classes can throw out and with our very limited capcity to break them, the second an enemy sees your buff bar when you start gore you get shut dowm most of the time. You might as well take a nap.

Yet sometimes ya do stumble on a Mara that does quite well.


PVE, however is another matter. While end game progression raiding with its well known melle unfriendly mechanics, can be difficult for maras. in skilled hands a Mara can still hold his own, not like he used to though, we definately still need some love. I hold my own, but it is hard sometimes. You see Mara's wearing revanite gear, that's gotta say something at least.


Let's hope with 4.0 some of these pitfalls Maras have been facing since 3.0 are addressed.


~ Grim


Mara's rule!


"The Darkside is more powerful. I don't care what Yoda says."

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At least in regs marauders are fine. I don't have much of a problem with roots and snares with unbound. And I can get my gore windows off just fine actually. Carnage is the easiest of the 3 specs to play well IMO, but that doesn't mean its the best one. A well played fury marauder might do better than a well played carnage marauder. But a mediocre carnage mara will do better than a mediocre fury or anni mara.
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At least in regs marauders are fine. I don't have much of a problem with roots and snares with unbound. And I can get my gore windows off just fine actually. Carnage is the easiest of the 3 specs to play well IMO, but that doesn't mean its the best one. A well played fury marauder might do better than a well played carnage marauder. But a mediocre carnage mara will do better than a mediocre fury or anni mara.


Anyone who does not let the oft ill recieved Marauder disappear into virtual extinction, whether in PVE or PVP gets my nod. While I agree that carnage really isn't difficult to play in theory, one wrong move can set the whole rotation off and lose preciuos burst for the next 12 seconds until the next gore window can be obtained. It's fast ride (and thats what I love about carnage, that lightning speed from beserk), and takes some split second planning ahead to changing enviorns and circumstances to make sure you have the proper resources to make the best use of the next gore window. Hontesly, I dont find much rage starvation, dummy parsing can be tight, but in actual combat, obtaining rage is quite easy. Its really just about maintaining (or as close as possible) the rotation to keep it flowing towards gore and not just mash whats available in the moment.


Give em hell.


~ Grim


"The Darkside is more powerful. I don't care what Yoda says."

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