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Imperial Guild Master Summit


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Time:8 pm pst July 18th. Location:Manaan

giant fountain statue also in Teamspeak3

other info: your characters name and

guild tag is your nickname. example

Iecoola(Revas Colonial). GM or Officer

+1 may join. Contact Dessel'revas to get the teamspeak info

PW Revan . see you there


~Dezz'revas~Republic(The Revas Colonial Alliance)

~Dessel'revas~Imperial(The Fallen of Revas)

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Video is UP for the Imperial Summit for those that have missed it or wish to share it with others :





Is there a text summary report coming for those who aren't imp guild leaders but have imp toons (and don't want to sit through 3.5 hours of trying to listen to that recording?)


Thanks for any info :D

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Thank you everyone for your support and patients through the whole process.


Every aspect RP PVP PVE GSF


http://begerencolony.org <-- website //

/cjoin thegathering <-- Imp side (GM+1) //

/cjoin senate <-- Pub Side (GM+1) //

/cjoin warzone <-- Both sides (plz join to get faster groups n spread the channel) //

/cjoin gsf <-- Both sides (plz join to get faster groups n spread the channel) //

/cjoin BCO <-- Imp ops channel //

/cjoin krayt <-- Pub Ops Channel //

/cjoin republicooc ← Pub RP //

/cjoin imperialooc ← Imp Rp


Open world PVP with RP reasons like commanders and conquest to cover PVE aswell

advertise fleet or within guilds to get massive battles going.


Respect people organizing events and that will be brought to you when organize some.


Server Videos to promote all the aspects of the game and each faction


Concern that we are all in for the long haul to keep the ideas going and further the progress for

Begeren Cololony. We agreed to stay together and make the server progress as we become more connected




In the guild dirrectory add a functionality for getting people

the stories that your guild has for the shrongholds/ships and incorprate

them into the open list to go RP in "this scene".


Schedule monthly rp events


Guild council rp of story tellers


If you don't want invaders to your guild RP keep your SH locked


When doing RP using SH or ships incorperate open world RP into story lines


Ignore all trolls and move on


To get great RP visable to all get lots of guilds involved.


Begerencolony.org is for all organization for anything our server needs.


Post up events saying hey if you want to join come and have fun.


muti tier guild interactive RP not all guilds have to participate to


People can open personal strongholds to the server for the server.


Join the GM +2 officers channel to discuss things with other GM's


Guild Story arcs when interacting with other guilds arcs must be discusses before the arcs are combined




Create tournament league for open world pvp


Share PVP events or que times with other guilds via the begerencolony.org calendar


Match making for pvp groups when you have extra members that are not in a pvp premade group.


Code of conduct for PVP friendly teaching environment


Not trash talking people


No elitism teach people


Talking to guild masters to solve problem


Post on the website problem trolls or players for black list


Gm's need to take care of problem people in their own guilds


Keeping the atmosphere positive


We need to drop grudges and move forward for the server


Ranked using the site for matchmaking


In Ranked PVP be sure to to keep it possitive and guide people.


If people are not geared for Ranked let them know nicely they are undergeared


PVP classes send the teacher to the guild being taught PVP or PVP class set up by a certain guilds

members come to that guilds classroom


PVP open world take over places like "Voss Shrine" attacker vs deffender switching off each week

depending on the outcome. shout outs for the winners




Matchmaking for group using begerencolony.org and in game channels listed above


Branch out and teach ops in sm going into forming more permenant groups that

could go into further content


Pug into groups and learn or teach ops stay calm regardless


Take ideas from leftovers.com like charter rules for raids code of conduct, dkp system looting rules


Use new system tools coming to begerencolony.org and calendar for the PVE section


Everyone should be in a voice program unless they are deaf.


Use star parse for all raids to help become stronger with your role http://ixparse.com/


WE talked about all the imp raid channels with much debate and settled for now on the one listed above


All progression groups should use star parse especially for the timers


Flashpoints keep the atmosphere possitive like pvp teach players


If you see someone asking for help in a custom channel and you can't go please say you can't go so

they know people pay attention to the channel


Begerencolony.org will have a dps, heals and tank tracker for PVE eventually set up.


Making a BC TS3 server for everyone was discussed but shot down because of the potential drama

and payment problems it could cause also TS can have 250 people at once. Not sure what our server

population is but I know it's in the thousands


Perhaps give out a list of Teamspeaks to go to for ops pvp or gsf (RP generally is in game chats)




Using the gsf chat channel listed above to coordinate groups to fly together


Jedi Council/Imperial Command and Warbirds have set up GSF classes for Tuesdays and Saturdays

for everyone and will give out their ts for anyone interested


Code of sportsmanship for GSF


~Dezz'revas~ Republic (The Revas Colonial Alliance)

~Dessel'revas~ Imperial (The Fallen of Revas)

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