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Risha romance without marriage?


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Your smuggler suffering from fear of commitment? :p

I never tried it, but I imagine there's a good chance you'll find your *** dumped. After all you convinced her not to marry a guy that could've helped her out greatly, just to be with you.


If you're scared about being stuck with her all the way through the expansion, I figure you'll get an option to choose differently when the time comes. After all you've been apart for five years at that point. :eek:

Edited by Callaron
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Ah, my Smuggler utterly broke Risha's heart, to run off with Akaavi. Mind you, he didn't want to break her heart. But it's so hard to let her down gently, sigh. I tend to think they argued quite a bit over the issue and eventually settled into a warm friendship.


Poor Risha ... she found love elsewhere, in my own head-canon. Too bad Bioware doesn't let me play that one out in-game, sigh.

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Well, this is my second smuggler after the first one I messed up her romance, I like checking out options before I settle on a decision for the conversation.


My previous smuggler basically got to this exact point, and then after sleeping with her, you had two options that were like good for the continuity of the romance. But the third option was like, Oh I'm suddenly losing interest now that I slept with you. and the second she answered I started pressing esc and it did not work and saved that.


So for my newest smuggler, I'd like to ask if anyone has gone down the path of proposing, and then going back on your proposal.

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My previous smuggler basically got to this exact point, and then after sleeping with her, you had two options that were like good for the continuity of the romance. But the third option was like, Oh I'm suddenly losing interest now that I slept with you. and the second she answered I started pressing esc and it did not work and saved that.


So for my newest smuggler, I'd like to ask if anyone has gone down the path of proposing, and then going back on your proposal.


I absolutely loathe that change. I remember back in the old days you could still hit escape when the screen was turning black, but these days you're boned if you don't escape early. :mad:

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I absolutely loathe that change. I remember back in the old days you could still hit escape when the screen was turning black, but these days you're boned if you don't escape early. :mad:


I did not know they changed that, no wonder I keep missing on certain quests. Thanks for the info.



Now back to my question, anyone know if the romance gets canned if I choose to not marry her at this point? Not really looking to test it out myself.

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  • 11 months later...

Just if someone ever wants to know, if you don't propose to Risha but she doesn't marry the count, in the next convo she will say that she wants you to be king either way so you end up getting married if you want to (so if you want to get married better just tell her the first chance you get ), but you can tell her that you don't want to get married/it won't work out, and she'll say "You're right, this won't work so where does that leave us?", you can ask to be an admiral to fend off pirates or such, or just "we're special friends", or tell her to forget about being a queen and stay with you she'll say "She won't force you to settle down but someday she'll have to leave this ship" (all three of these will end the romance, next convo is final one she refers to you as friend and no talk about having kids/flirt ).


So basically I think if you don't want ask her or accept to marry her ( first chance is asking her before the count, and second chance is she tells you she wants you as king here if you say you don't want to marry her, all conversation option will basically end the romance )

Edited by Azareya
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