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Sadly No Game To "Kill Wow" They will Never Learn...


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standard unmodded UI in WoW is pretty terrible. even 7 years later.


I'm pretty sure developers weren't trying to design a "WoW-killer", they were trying to design and MMO that their usual player base as well as Star Wars fans might enjoy. its the players that keep yelling - WOW-KILLER! the only game that I know of that deliberately tried to kill WoW, if one considers their commercials? was RIFT. and yeah, that didn't turn out so well. becasue you design games to kill other games, you design games to succeed on their own merit. and from my playing experience so far? that's exactly what bioware did with SWTOR.


similarities to WoW? how many rpg's have you played? I mean MMO or solo? they have pretty much standard UI. its not the lack of creativity. its due to players having developed a certain muscle memory at this point, makes transition between games easier.


Meridian 59 anyone?

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Because the Chinese get the game for free and pay 6 cents and hour to pay, they pay no "subs".


If BioWare gave the game for free to Chinese and let them pay 6 cents and hour it would have 20 million subs, but that is irrelevant.


You're a funny guy. Keep thinking that if it keeps you warm at night.

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WoW was great.




But just because WoW still has a lot of subscribers does not mean it's still great. WoW is just the most easily accessible, smoothly ran MMO. Most people don't have a choice other than to play it, it's all they can handle.


WoW killed itself a long time ago.

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i have to agree that un-moded wow ui is still terrible, but blizz didnt need to develop that since allowed addons, which here it is not my case... i dont care if bio will allow addons or not, i care for the final outcome... i care to have OPTIONS, you cant tell me not to....



and all of you that claim that bio just wanted to make a game for ppl to like it and we all area big family, think again... they made it to make MONEY... Tones of them...


they took a HUGE franchise like sw, with HUGE fans base... TRSUT ME, THEY WANT 23562785672856 SUBS IF POSSIBLE... stop dreaming now, and wake up plz... if they want to do such the only way is to weaken wow by alot...




money rules (sadly)

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WoW was great.




But just because WoW still has a lot of subscribers does not mean it's still great. WoW is just the most easily accessible, smoothly ran MMO. Most people don't have a choice other than to play it, it's all they can handle.


WoW killed itself a long time ago.


Noone said WoW is as good as it used to be, however sadly it's still better than every other MMO out there.

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Noone said WoW is as good as it used to be, however sadly it's still better than every other MMO out there.


That's your opinion. I personally hate WoW. I've disliked it ever since the end of TBC. It's not the best. It's just the only option for some people as I previously stated. A lot of what made WoW "great" to the casual majority also made it awful. Sorry.

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Honeslty, ijust wish players would take MMOs as a choice and not only one is the be all end all, its not "better" than WoW? Is it still good? Hell, maybe ill just play that then. Every single time a new MMO is announced straight away, its "WOW KILLER?!", why not just let the game develop and if its good it'll have a lifespan, WoWs successful, we get it, is it a great game? To the casuals, yeah, its the most known and accessable to the media and other consumers, but why drag every other release down because hell, people might have a selection of games to play.
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Yup. I'm just here to play a game based on a universe that is entertaining as hell to me and enjoy it for what it is. It'll get better through updates, patches, content, etc... or it will fizzle. It's cool. Hopefully it keeps on the up and up and devs take into account what will make the majority of user base happy.

I don't see SWTOR and WoW as an "us vs them" thing. I played the other for 6 years. It was fun while it lasted but had long since lost my interest. Happy here playing a great game which I suspect will continue to grow, and having a great time doing it. :D

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Honeslty, ijust wish players would take MMOs as a choice and not only one is the be all end all, its not "better" than WoW? Is it still good? Hell, maybe ill just play that then. Every single time a new MMO is announced straight away, its "WOW KILLER?!", why not just let the game develop and if its good it'll have a lifespan, WoWs successful, we get it, is it a great game? To the casuals, yeah, its the most known and accessable to the media and other consumers, but why drag every other release down because hell, people might have a selection of games to play.


Wrong, it's a great game for both the casuals and the hardcores.


I don't hate it, I actually like the game. But calling it the best MMO is just sad and pathetic at the same time.


Opinions, you know how they work. At least i didn't insult yours now did i. ;)

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of COURSe they want to make money. but they are also intelligent enough to realize that you make money not by trying to kill off the competition, but rather by providing a product that people might enjoy that. which more often then not involves carving out a niche. WoW has their niche. SWTOR's niche is different. it may overlap in places but they are not targeting exactly the same people. you think CCP (Eve online) doesn't want to make money? or Turbine (DnD unlimited, LOTRO), or any other company out there?


@ Meridian59 comment. I'll admit I haven't played it, I didn't discover 3D0 until their might and magic series, in which I distinctly remember using.. wait for it.. wasd and other familiar hotkeys. and that was over a decade ago.


granted I don't play every single game out there, I simply have no time, but I play or played some of the more well known titles. and so far vast majority of them that don't involve click moving, both rpgs, and shooters had standard controls and/or variation of a standard UI. even dead space (they just hide it better then other games, but at the core, its pretty much the same thing and thank goodness for it, the game is creepy enough as it is, last thing I want to do is fumble about with my controls while being attacked by a necromoph)


lastly - about the addons. they are both blessing and a curse. every patch breaks them. I will not be surprised if bioware decides not to go with addons and instead will implement in game improvements, for stability's and simplicity in implementing patches sake.

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Wrong, it's a great game for both the casuals and the hardcores.


Hardcore was Sleeper raiding in EQ, Hardcore was no level cap whatsoever in Text-Based MUDS, Hardcore was camping mobs for weeks on end to get one high tiered crafting item, Hardcore was looting player corpses after PKing them in UO, just to hear them QQ harder.


Nothing about any new MMO, including WoW is hardcore. As much whining goes on now about MMO's, there'd be too many rage suicides if MMO's were hardcore these days.

Edited by Candy
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Hardcore was Sleeper raiding in EQ, Hardcore was no level cap whatsoever in Text-Based MUDS, Hardcore was camping mobs for weeks on end to get one high tiered crafting item, Hardcore was looting player corpses after PKing them in UO, just to hear them QQ harder.


Nothing about any new MMO, including WoW is hardcore. As much whining goes on now about MMO's, there'd be too many rage suicides if MMO's were hardcore these days.


Well, that's all completely subjective. Should hardcore = engine limitations and artificial difficulty? I don't think so.

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Wrong, it's a great game for both the casuals and the hardcores.




Opinions, you know how they work. At least i didn't insult yours now did i. ;)


Well, in MY opinion all i noticed from my years on WoW, was the hardcore gamer complaining, the game had completely washed down any skill or difficulty and became a nuisance for the hardcore gamer, theres quite a lot to do raid wise and there where "hardcore" guilds who raided three days a week (Damn, hardcore), which then consisted of "hardcore" gamers who only played to raid those three nights.


WoW mainly caters to the casual gamer, and generally speaking everyone knows that, you get some dedicated hardcore players who enjoy it, obviously, but its still a game thats eased and dumbed down every update. Its popular because of how easy it is to pick up, they managed huge advertising, 8 out of 10 people have probably played/heard of it, its difficult to escape WoW, when it comes to talking about online, you dont get that with other MMOs, it caters to casual and such and is working.

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