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The Phoenix Legion <PLGaming> Community is recruiting! Republic/Empire


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Hello fellow Reps and Imps!


The Phoenix Legion is looking for new recruits for both the Republic and Empire factions.


Many of us have characters on both sides ;)


We offer things like:


- A growing multi-game community

- TeamSpeak 3 server with dedicated channels

- Active Website & Forums

- Severe case of altholism

- We enjoy PvP as well as PvE

- Far too many references to your lack of faith and musings on ewok sexuality.


We are working on guild perks as we grow our numbers so bear with us! Most of us are returning players after three years or so away.


A bit about us:


The Phoenix Legion Gaming Community is a group of friends who enjoy playing cooperatively in a variety of games, with a primary focus on the MMORPG genre.



We recognized that the life cycle of gaming goes something like this: You find a new game that you want to play, you see if any of your friends want to play, you start playing and make new friends in this new game and form a new guild. You play together as a guild until it stops being fun and another new game comes out, you leave the majority of your old guild behind … rinse and repeat.



Phoenix Legion Gaming Community believes that a community that strengthens its core membership and plays together for years yields far better results than starting over in each new game. Instead, our community will enter a new game with dozens of people who already play well together, have a pre-planned set of objectives in place, and are ready to recruit new players with similar goals and playstyles to strengthen the guild as well as the gaming community itself.



As a community, we value our players over our pixels and strive to surround ourselves with great people who simply want to have an amazing online experience.


Do not grief other players.

Do not harass other players.

Do not exploit, hack, or cheat.

Always be willing to help your guild/community members.

* Players whom you are at war with may be treated appropriately as hostiles.


Please visit us at our official website @ http://phoenixlegiongaming.com/ and apply today!


In game contacts currently consist of:

Republic - Draxikun, Murasakii, Lordiestllama

Empire - Sakitumi, Kiraii, Silrith, Stagole



Community Leader

The Phoenix Legion

Edited by LordDraximus
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I'd like to meet you all, and see if I would be a good fit for your guild.


Little about me: I've been playing for years solo and have always loved the game and lore. I would like to meet like-minded people and see what I've been missing in the end-game; and possibly socialize on voice chat.

Name = Tom

Time Played = Since 2011

Characters/XP = Several max level (BH, Sniper & Trooper) / Several alts between 40-50 (most classes played)

End game XP = None yet

Game skill = Been playing MMO's for years. Above average skill but inexperienced in SWOR end-game.


I'll keep an eye on this post, or you can send me an in-game on one of my imp mains (Kha'boom, Ka'pow).



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