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is it possible to go back and try to romance your companions or is it too late?


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Define "go back". If you mean redo your conversations to pick the romance ones after you've already completed them all, then nope, it's not possible.


If you mean romancing your companions after you've already played through your class stories, then sure, depending on how much attention you have (and if you haven't passed the romance part yet).


The companion romances are entirely based on affection rating and dialogue choices (although you don't get certain conversations until you're in specific chapters).

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Is it possible to go back and try to romance your companions or is it too late after a certain point?


Most or all romances have one conversation quest where you either express interest in your companion or you don't. If you brush them off, it's over because these quests cannot be repeated.

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BW could get around the issue by having one of the companion gifts be an aphrodisiac that works with all companions (except, perhaps, Scorpio, she'll only be happy once she kills you). Giving the companion the gift would start a romantic storyline that could be introduced at any point, not dependent on which chapter or which conversation you might have already passed up.
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BW could get around the issue by having one of the companion gifts be an aphrodisiac that works with all companions (except, perhaps, Scorpio, she'll only be happy once she kills you). Giving the companion the gift would start a romantic storyline that could be introduced at any point, not dependent on which chapter or which conversation you might have already passed up.


They might as well start introducing roofies too then. Y'know, for those characters that otherwise couldn't be romanced. BAM, instant fade to black scene. :rolleyes:


I'm fairly sure they'll never do either of them, because neither sends a very good message.

And they would catch a lot of flack over introducing a system that promotes drugging someone if you can't get them to be with you the old fashioned way. The media would have a field day with something like that.

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