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Please give us more ways to get ranked comms.


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Running warzones over and over to trade in unranked for ranked is just taking way to long. Some people don't have enough time in the day to even play unranked over and over. Not all of us are kids and don't have jobs. Imo this game is so slow at catching up to what other mmo's are doing by making things a little easier when it comes to pvp.


Why can't they do it to where your first warzone win of the day is like 100 to 300 ranked comms and every win after that you get 25. Take out the weekly and dailies and just do it that way. Can't even run ranked without your full ranked gear without people crying the whole match. So instead you have to run unranked for months just to get your ranked. By the time most of us get our ranked gear the new gear comes out and you have to do it all over again! I have a job and can't run it like most of the players. So make it a little easier for us working joe's. 30 unranked for 10 ranked? Junk.

Edited by Importeclipse
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You are aware that you won't need ranked comms in ~3 weeks and that we got a reg comn cap of 200k in preperation for it?

Don't change comms. Just farm reg comms like there's no tommorrow until 3.3

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Argument was ok until you have to go the route of insinuating that getting ranked pvp gear requires one to be a no lifer. Any time you have to start and end trying to make a point by taking shots at those that have something you don't isn't a good argument to start with.


Luckily BW decide to make a change hoping to encourage more players to pvp. But i suppose you have a job and aren't a kid so you can't be expected to read anything yourself.

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Running warzones over and over to trade in unranked for ranked is just taking way to long. Some people don't have enough time in the day to even play unranked over and over. Not all of us are kids and don't have jobs. Imo this game is so slow at catching up to what other mmo's are doing by making things a little easier when it comes to pvp.


Why can't they do it to where your first warzone win of the day is like 100 to 300 ranked comms and every win after that you get 25. Take out the weekly and dailies and just do it that way. Can't even run ranked without your full ranked gear without people crying the whole match. So instead you have to run unranked for months just to get your ranked. By the time most of us get our ranked gear the new gear comes out and you have to do it all over again! I have a job and can't run it like most of the players. So make it a little easier for us working joe's. 30 unranked for 10 ranked? Junk.


You don't need to play the whole day to get enough comms, jeez. If you play a casual 3-5 games a day (+ complete the dailies and weekly), you'll have full (not min/maxed) after 3-4 weeks, more or less. Besides, take a look at 3.3 before you whine about comms next time.

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Running warzones over and over to trade in unranked for ranked is just taking way to long. Some people don't have enough time in the day to even play unranked over and over. Not all of us are kids and don't have jobs. Imo this game is so slow at catching up to what other mmo's are doing by making things a little easier when it comes to pvp.


Why can't they do it to where your first warzone win of the day is like 100 to 300 ranked comms and every win after that you get 25. Take out the weekly and dailies and just do it that way. Can't even run ranked without your full ranked gear without people crying the whole match. So instead you have to run unranked for months just to get your ranked. By the time most of us get our ranked gear the new gear comes out and you have to do it all over again! I have a job and can't run it like most of the players. So make it a little easier for us working joe's. 30 unranked for 10 ranked? Junk.


This reads like a 12 year old wrote it, wrought with typos and the typical self-entitledment a young child would possess. Just sayin'.

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