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An Idea I thought of

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Something I thought of when I was ranting on that "unfair bomber" thread last night.


What if Strikes had something like an Option (as in from Gradius and other bullet hell SHUMP games), like some missile drone built into your ship/following you around shooting at things you can't, ie things not directly in front of you, but to the sides and back like the turrets built into Helicopters in FPS's like Halo, cept automated


Not sure what, if anything, this would really do for strikes but just something I thought I'd throw out there for people who DO know what something like this would do.


So what would this accomplish?

Edited by DreadzKaiser
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You're thinking something along the lines of repair probes for clarion, but with offensive power?


It's an odd idea, but i like it. It would be a development challenge, and require quite a bit of balance play-testing, but it could really give strikers a place in competitive matches. However, then you would get even more people complaining about "auto targeting features" and in this case, rightfully so.

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Yeah like the Clarion's probes, dunno why I didn't think to simply say it like that to begin with.


Not saying it should be as powerful as its actual guns, just something so it doesn't have to rely on its crap turning to shoot at things. something that keeps it from being "Battlescout Lite", Weapons that aren't fix'd forward (did anyone else just hear "Rear-fire Rockets"......no just me? really?)

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You say that, but they:

A, were just asking about how they should go about fixing Strike Fighters, this is a more complicated way but certianly a possible fix to them. they wouldn't ask that if they had no intention of actually doing it.

B, Expansion coming soon, which would be a perfect time to update things, especially with new companions coming, they'd most likely add those to GSF too.


Besides as I said its just an Idea I had, and I simply wanted opinions on it (and for Devs to potentially see it if it turned out to be a good idea)

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I do think that Strikes need a defined role to be important in the game, but I think this is just stealing from the idea of drone bombers.


Yes, don't give strikes a defined role in a game where everything else is specialized and specialization is the thing


also, this wouldn't be giving them a defined role, they already had that: Dogfighting


they are just outclassed hard, this would make them better at killing things


" I think this is just stealing from the idea of drone bombers"

I did say I came up with it while ranting on bombers, also it'd be more like an offensive Clarion as kiko mentioned.

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I like your idea Kaiser, I had a similar one a while ago. But instead of the strike having one of these drones the "Bomber" gets this offensive turret probe that auto targets nearest threats and instead of having mines these "bombers" are given the slow targeting, but verly powerful AoE missiles that are used for clearing out mine fields and cap point defenses.
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