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I dont think casual raiding on BC is in any way challenged by server transfers


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Ops are being done constantly on BC, use your search tool there's people in there most of the time.


I get invited to more raids than I have time for, just like before.


You doom seekers can repeat yourselves over and over but still there's thousands of people you don't know raiding daily on our server.


Come out of your strongholds, step away from the GTN, meet new people, win...

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I disagree. It takes way longer to find pugs for both imp side and pub side, both during peak (west coast) and off-peak hours. Even more so later during the week, where people have partial or full lockouts. It takes roughly around an hour or more to find people for an 8man. The only people I see in /who are guild runs, and they are usually full up. And 16man SM ops pugs are pretty much unicorns on this server.


And take that into comparison to the Harbinger for example. Yesterday, I got into a 16man Eyeless SM/HM pug on pub side and it was fully formed in around half an hour during peak hour. Not to mention, there was another 16man group going for Eyeless. And that was only one day. Here on BC, I've only seen the same amount of pug groups formed for Eyeless in the few days the rakghoul event was around to the amount of pug groups formed on the Harbinger in a day. If there's aren't many pug groups forming on BC, then how is casual raiding happening everyday? :rak_confused:

Edited by alexine
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Ive pugged 16 man eyeless twice this week with only 1 or 2 guildies and theres calls for it constantly in the tunnels, also other ops are being pugged constantly on the raid channels, your complaints sound like a you problem Edited by Monumenta
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I don't believe it's casual raiding that people thought would be a problem. I think progression raiding is what the 'Doom and Gloom' was all about.


people keep using the term casual raiding in this forum pertaining to the dooms and the glooms

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No casual raiding would be mroe real doom and gloom than less progression raiding if one really looks logically at what supports the game more.




Why slap down the majority because they're not the minority, the majority keeps your game going. I'm casual and i sub raid pvp and rp. Sue me.

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Sunday afternoon on BC, yesterday, constant ops being pugged on fleet including a few rav and tos HMs...


Im still not seeing the troubles.


I was the one trying to from for them. Couldnt get more than 3 ppl for over 2 hrs.

Dropped the group. Cant find 5 people on a Sunday evening peak time.

The struggle is real !!!

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