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Emperor's Wrath Identity (Spoilers)


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Scourge was the Emperor's Wrath until


he encounters the Jedi Knight, whom he believes has the strength to defeat the Emperor completely. He then abandons the Empire and joins the Jedi because he wants to be sure the Knight will succeed. He has no love or loyalty to the Jedi Order or the Republic; he still hates them both. He just hates and fears the Emperor more.



At that point, the Sith Warrior is approached and told that they have been deemed worthy of being the new Wrath. They have no way of knowing the Emperor's real intentions towards the galaxy, though.


I actually remember while I was playing that you could pick an option that basically said "Why should I help you? With or without you, there's no end to war."


And his response is: "There will be peace. I promise you."


At that time I had no idea what he actually meant. Now it's incredibly creepy.

Edited by Yermog
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