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Healing in the Star Wars universe.


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Let me first say that I'm not a Star Wars nerd. I've seen all 6 movies plus Spaceballs, so I know the basics, but the healing mechanic in this game seems a little weird to me. So I have some questions that maybe some of the lore experts can help me with.


1. Can the force actually heal someone? I can see it possibly healing light side users and giving them longer life... but dark side users? I see Sith Inquisitors healing and I'm like... what? Not only why would they heal but how? Seems odd to me.


2. Are blaster heals for real? I've been healed in PvP by what appear to be IA and BH blaster weapons. So they're shooting me with healing guns? Does that really happen in the Star Wars universe? That seems pretty odd to me too.


I mean I know the whole tank/healer/DPS mechanic is pretty entrenched in MMOs, so they had to find some way to include it, but does healing this way mesh with Star Wars lore or is it just the way BioWare managed to make it work in the game?

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1: Dark Side has some impressive healing skills in lore. IIRC the final trial for Sith Sorcerers was to poison themselves with the bite of a native thing AND to deal with it through the Force.


Basically, Light and Dark side are the same thing, the difference is about the mindset you use the power with. Distance I take is relative to one skill and approach.


2: Healing Guns I never saw, but in my very first flashpoint I got healed by a small droid that hovered over me. Droid belonged to a Republic Soldier with big gun so maybe that's the case for you as well and didn't noticed the healing little?


And no, this is all of a gameplay mechanics since lore-wise healing is slower in SW-verse. The SAGA System Roleplay for one lack completely of 'battle healings' (If you use Force Healing there, you need to share HP with your assisted) aside the daily second wind that isn't really healing but more a morale boost thing.


But while in a PnP RP staying 7 days on Bacta treatment is affordable, on a MMO is different level.


But eh, it's a game not a second life simulator.

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1. Can the force actually heal someone? I can see it possibly healing light side users and giving them longer life... but dark side users? I see Sith Inquisitors healing and I'm like... what? Not only why would they heal but how? Seems odd to me.


Yes, the Force absolutely can be used to heal. The Jedi had various professions within their ranks and "healers" were one of the areas of specialization. On the Dark Side, it was made very clear in Episode III that the Dark Side of the Force could be used to prevent death in the story that Darth Sidious tells to Anakin about Darth Plagueis.

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As the posters above me clarified, there are a number of force using healers, like Darth Plagueis (Sith) and Barriss Offee (Jedi).


I don't know about healing guns, but an idea is that it's a stimulant injection shooter or something? Dunno, just trying to make some sense of it.

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I guess it is hard to rationalize healing bullets but if I was the developer charged with coming up with a healing system for star wars besides using the force I'd be left with few options as well.


Not really that hard...


- Healing nanomachine bullets.


- Compressed Bacta\Kolto Spray


- Bacta\Kolto gel.


- Healing stimulant microwaves.

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game mechanics are just that, game mechanics, try not to assume every game mechanic is the same, no you can't shoot someone with a gun and heal them.


and yes force healing of the type seen on sorcs and sages doesn't quite exist (it's not quite THAT powerful, as a general rule) however a MMO without healers would suck right?

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I believe (may be wrong) that the Sith Inquisitors heals are also life-drains of opponents, thus making them somewhat dark. Healing for Light-side Jedi is a very developed profession, check Jedi Healers on Wookieepedia.


Now for healing blasters, I sometimes see DOC, my companion shoot at me but thats a white gun with a Kolto vial under it,


FYI: Kolto is a super-fluid-bandage.

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1. Can the force actually heal someone? I can see it possibly healing light side users and giving them longer life... but dark side users? I see Sith Inquisitors healing and I'm like... what? Not only why would they heal but how? Seems odd to me.

Yes, the force can heal. As for the why, that's fairly obvious - to keep you alive.


2. Are blaster heals for real? I've been healed in PvP by what appear to be IA and BH blaster weapons. So they're shooting me with healing guns? Does that really happen in the Star Wars universe? That seems pretty odd to me too.
Purely a game mechanic with no basis in canon. I honestly have no idea what they were thinking when they did this, considering that there is a wide variety of other options that are actually sensible, like the medic-scans and the small healbot droids and whatnot.


No. Blasters do not heal.


I believe (may be wrong) that the Sith Inquisitors heals are also life-drains of opponents,




In the game? Mechanically? No.

Classes are completely mirrored. There is no functional difference between a Sage and a Sorcerer.


Lore-wise, the force is just the force. There's nothing actively preventing anyone from using anything. There's technically no canonical reason Sages couldn't use Force Lightning. It's just that they don't.

Edited by Luckmann
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