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Begeren Colony Republic Guild Master Summit


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This is Dezel from Banes Shadow Legion. We are a small Imp guild that once again is climbing out of the ashes. I am all for an imp/pub faction meeting, but what I see here is all pub guilds. What if the imp guilds, minus us and lets say Sith Praxium who I am allies with?
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This is Dezel from Banes Shadow Legion. We are a small Imp guild that once again is climbing out of the ashes. I am all for an imp/pub faction meeting, but what I see here is all pub guilds. What if the imp guilds, minus us and lets say Sith Praxium who I am allies with?



I am curious to see if we can organize something Imp side. I know I am willing to attend if time is good and I can probably see if Synovian Empire wants to attend as well.

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Now that some of the kinks have been hammered out about the format of the meeting I ask that everyone attending the meeting please download Teamspeak3. You will not be required to talk but for ease of communication and organization the meeting will be in an ops group and teamspeak simultaneously. The helps us keep track of everything with the turn order for talking and more. Those who do not have mics or do not wish to talk in one will be able to talk in ops chat. The other thing with teamspeak that we ask is your nickname in TS3 to be your character name you are bringing and have your guild tag or acronym beside it. That is also to help out note takers and our organization during the meeting. Should there be more people than an ops group can contain showing up there is a back up plan for typing chat to still be part of this summit. Thank you everyone for showing interest in the summit and understanding the process.



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I will attempt to send our 6 Guild Leaders from THE JEDI ORDER | Community of Guilds.


Orion if you could give me the list when you know who will be representing you, that would help immensely.



~Dezz'revas~ Republic (The Revas Colonial Alliance)

~Dessel'revas~ Imperial (The Fallen of Revas)

Edited by ipikki_oukami
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Orion if you could give me the list when you know who will be representing you, that would help immensely.



~Dezz'revas~ Republic (The Revas Colonial Alliance)

~Dessel'revas~ Imperial (The Fallen of Revas)



Being that is Republic Only... Syltha, Zeks and Needleman

Edited by OrionSol
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Hey Guys


I'm Harald gm of Company. I've been monitoring BC activity over the last 3 years plus, and i can without doubt say that population is at an all time low in every aspect -PVE, PVP GSF etc. The problem is that you get to a point where leveling alts is about the only thing you can do on BC. I for one have 22 level 60s and i'm not the only one in our guild. So naturally next step is to gear the toons. That can be done by doing endgame content, playing the gtn or doing pvp. Problem for Company is that the majority of our players also like to pvp....Not just ranked but pvp in general. It is fun improves your game, and you dont need to commit for 3 hours each time. You just log in and have a few games with your friends. On BC as of late though that there are little or no pops. If you add the low probabality of a gf pop then you end up sitting in front of your screen with 100million credits in your purse(because of all the dailies) waiting for hours.


My point is that i would like for BC to have its place, our guild has been around since day 1, but our members are leaving because of the above, and i dont blame them. During the last few weeks I moved a couple of toons to the Harbinger to do some scouting, and well my conclusion is that its much easier getting pops in everything, which translates in to gameplay rather than waiting time. I would also like to add to the mix that lots of guilds are multinational and BC in none pst primetime is a ghost server. I know its because a lot of players moved to Shadowlands and Harbinger, but well it is the rational thing to do if Bioware wont give us Cross Server PVP, Group Finder etc.


I will see if i can make the summit


Kind regards, Harald

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I will be representing <The Illuminati> at the summit. We were hoping to have 2 reps but looks like the other can't make it. We look forward to joining the discussion and making BC a better place for all.



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Grandmaster Ah-ran, 2nd in command of the <Spartans of the Republic>. I will be representing the Spartans in place of General Austianand. I was actually in the process of organizing a summit myself till i stumbled across this forum a few days ago. I am excited to see it happen. I have also contacted RPA, Heroes Legion, Paragons, BSA, and RJS. All of whom have expressed interest in attending.


--contact in game or online--

Ah-ran - Grandmaster


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So I tried to send a mail to everyone with this but the game was glitching the mail. So here you go here.


The summit will be held on july 11th at 8pm pst. The format will now be ops group in game and in teamspeak 3. There will be a /roll to determine talking order for each guild. Since there is 25+ guilds that have signed up, the majority of the meeting will be in the teamspeak channel. ts66.teamspeak3.com:8856 PW: Revan I ask that you make your nickname the toon your bringing and have your guild tag after. example Dezz(Revas) You will not be required to talk in ts but it is needed for the summit. The summit will be moderated by me (Dezz'revas) and everyone will get a chance to speak or type their mind in turn order. Please if you know someone that is coming to the summit give them this info to help me get the new info to everyone. Hopefully the game mail will work and I can send anyway but thank you for helping us move forward.



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Wow huge thread... So i read the first post... lol

I'd love to join but 8pm pst likely wont happen for me.


As for the empire RP community, sure its gotten smaller but its not gone. Fleet cantina has been slightly water down lately but I'd love to talk about anything I and my medium smutty RP guild can do to help. We are <Freakshow>.

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The summit was great and had an awesome turnout! Thanks to everyone who organized it! I'm looking forward to seeing what you put together with the recordings, Crimsonas.


Gabirel, were you the one that did the Picard impersonation? That was disturbing lol - but hilarious!


I can't wait to see the fruits of the summit in the next few weeks.

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That is the footage of the summit for references etc i left 2 impressions in there aswell and all the ideas of the pubside GM's However the video is still being uploaded n processed since it is 3hrs so it should be up by 10pm pst at the latest and i will provide download links to the the audio files in a later post so ya please enjoy!


(quality will be improved i kinda decided to this last minute)



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Some pictures from the summit! :i_biggrin:


People gathering in for the summit, Manaan had 2 instances:




Summit in progress:



Meeting is adjourned, we can all go back to our strongholds, but not before the traditional photo op:




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