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[PvP 3.0+] Jedi Guardian - Defense (Tank)

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any links to new tanking pvp builds, not played for a while so looking to find a decent pvp build for my jug


To my knowledge there is no up to date Juggernaut and Guardian PvP Tank Guide because PvP tanking is dead for the most part. (Else you would have PvP and PvE tanking guides everywhere) There are no guide for any Jedi Guardian or Sith Juggernaut ANYWHERE ON THIS FORUMS AND THE ONE ON THE INTERNET ARE OUTDATED. Currently, we don't know anyone working on any new Defense/Immortal Guides. (But you are guaranteed PLENTY OF GUIDES FOR VENGEANCE/VIGILANCE) You can use suggestions from other class tank guides like the Vanguard or Power Tech on how to gear yourself since both classes use shields like the Guardian/Juggernaut.


If you look at past post, most posters have suggested to have a high Shield/Absorb and a modest Defense with little to no Power. Any augmentation you get should either increase Shield or Absorption. This is due to the fact that most Juggernaut and Guardian players go the Vengeance/Vigilance or Focus/Rage by level 60 for pvp because of the obsession with DPS and numbers to prove you are good instead of actual team work.

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any links to new tanking pvp builds, not played for a while so looking to find a decent pvp build for my jug


I'm afraid, no. At least I haven't found one. That was one of the reasons I started this thread.


Maybe we can make this one into an info-thread (could edit the first post if needed)

Edited by Loken_Darksoul
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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I love tanking in PvP with my Immortal Jug. I only solo PUG and sometimes I have a healer, but usually I just rely upon whomever might be a healer in the group. I'd say half the time I'm stuck alone guarding an objective. So, I run a higher Endurance build than a mitigation build.


As for my skill tree, I've been fooling around with a few and finally settled on this: http://dulfy.net/2014/10/13/swtor-disciplines-calculator-swtor_miner/?link=dGEAAAA8AwAAFwQGAQ0LEQ8A


So, let me explain my choices.


1) Payback -- because you get stunned a lot, so the 30 second shorter cooldown is nice and the 10% heal isn't bad with my high endurance. Allows you to let them hit you 1-2 times while stunned before you break it and back to full health.

2) Overwhelm -- because I can't move and channel Ravage at the same time. It's sorta like a cc.

3) Unstoppable - primarily for running the Huttball

4) Sonic Wall -- more damage prevention for everyone and obviously I'm going to use that ability every chance I can anyway, so the buff is just a bonus. Of all my abilities, this is the one I might change for Strangulate.

5) Emboldened Scream - I took this as a way of buffing my team, but it also relies on the next skill....

6) Thrown Gauntlet - No rage use on chill scream. Great for finding stealth trying to sneak up on you, and since it slows the enemy you can hit them easier (with Ravage, which immobilizes them), plus it speeds up your team from Emboldened Scream. It's a nice combo that you can spam.

7) Through Passion - Because Enraged Defense rocks.


I used to have Intercessor and Crushing Fist, but Crushing Fist really isn't needed if you can spam Chilling Scream. Intercede is great if you run with a dedicated healer, but I don't. I've thought about going with Strangulate and Whiplash instead of the Chilling Scream combo, but if folks are far away I usually just jump to them anyway, so I found I wasn't using saber throw all that much in PvP, especially since they are slowed and can't get away from you to start with from the Chilling Scream spam. Strangulate is a faster interrupt, but Ravage is up more often, and with the spam of chilling scream I can usually get to them to ravage anyone I didn't jump at directly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't found anything in objective-based PvP that's even a quarter as valuable as popping Enure for twenty seconds of 150% run speed and snare immunity. True Harmony is like my #1 mandatory utility for pretty much anything.


Starting from Sundragon's setup I'd take the point out of Jedi Warden, probably. I think I use Combat Focus once a week in PvP, Focus is like candy in warzones (you're the pinata). Almost all the top tier utilities are really nice, though. Intercessor can really add up over time if you're Guardian Leaping on cooldown (which you should be), Through Peace and Peaceful Focus are awesome additions to your already awesome DCD suite. It's hard to go wrong with any set of utilities, though. I wouldn't take Preparation, Intervention, or Narrowed Focus, and Daunting Presence is probably mostly wasted too, but basically anything else will help you and your team. If all else fails, take utilities that augment the abilities you use most and you should be good.

Edited by Quething
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  • 3 weeks later...
This is actually a lie. I mention Rogue as a class who were designed to bypass armor. I don't know why you said this. Maybe you don't like WoW or you've never played it, but yes Rogue at one point Vanilla could bypass armor with certain abilities.


(Rouges can do very well v tanks but in pvp (2k rating + THERE ARE NO TANKS, there was alot of things wrong with vanilla pvp in wow the game is now in WoD so if you want to keep up then go on google)

Same with tanks. Saying that WoW didn't have tanks is just crazy. I play Tankadins and Protection Warriors in WoW and they very tankish, ranging from CCs to being able to take a crap load of damage. Both TP and PWs can soak up damage like nobody's business. They would make Powertechs/Vanguard and Guardians/Juggernauts look tissue paper in the amount of damage they can soak.


(He is saying they did have tanks but end game pvp did not have people that ran with tanks as you could just go afk and the tank would do nearly no dmg, oh yes you can cc and slow me but.....i can just cc you back with poly/fear/clone/root and take out you of the game, aswell in pvp for wow having 1 tank 1 dps 1 healer is so bad for a 3's comp YOU WONT KILL THERE TEAM, if you want you can log your tank and face my 2.5k 3's team and if we just go on you we can kill you in about 1min (set up cc pn your healer blow a few cds to make you use your cds and then kill you next cc chain.)


With that being said burst damage can kill you if they consistently critical hit. Yes, you have cooldowns and healers, but I'm talking about migitation wise. Plus, healers have nothing to do with a tank's own survivability. Tanks, outside of these factors, won't feel the sting of a dps attack until a couple of attacks in. AOE burst damage are even worse because not only you at the center of the attack, but you are sucking in whatever damage the person is guarding is doing.


(You are saying (its like 1000000000%-0.00001% of all the aoe crting and going thro a tanks migitation) that 1% of game play where you can a under geared tank with 4 people aoeing on him and he has no heals and is taking dmg from guard, if you play a tank 99% of the time you are going to be with a healer as there is no point playing as a tank without a healer)



Actually this is not true and it's still live and well. My old Jedi Guardian DPS tank can do 10k critical Guardian Slash and everyone else getting hit around him did 7k to 10k. Unless the victims in the AOE is affected less by a certain percentage


(Like the Gunship's Ion cannon), everyone is going to get affected about the same.

(OLD not now, as far as i can see you think every hit you do goes off without missing ......tanks have parry/dodge and you can miss attacks even with 105%, if its a 1v1 you dont post here)


One of the reason why I said pvp tanking is dead.


Tanking in PvP is not dead just most people look at your score and see you did 200k-400k dmg and they are like you did so bad reroll ( but if you look at your prot you did about 400k+ and high obj)

End of the day PvP tanking is still here and its a big part of the game as you need a tank for 4v4's and even wz's so your melee dps and even healers dont get chain cc'ed and die (say 2 out of 3 healers in a wz get aoe fear'ed 2 times in that time your melee dps will die or even your healers will without a guard and taunt going out and dont forget those sweet cc's a tank has and 24/7 slows.


P.S Btw what kills a tank in pvp is when your healers get cc'ed and they cleave you down with your guard.:confused:


Edited by AlexNautolan
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so zoom_vi what you are saying is best thing for jugg tanks to do is go full endurance augments, focus on abs with high endurance over defense mods and shield also higher than defense?


this thread is all over the place that i may just buy the pieces and augment endurance then call it a day.

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