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Rattataki bounty hunter!


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Hey guys, I've been trying to dig up some information on this race for the creation of a new character or maybe dabbling in roleplaying my current hunter. I tried asking in the RP forum but no bites, seems pretty slow over there. I know the vague Planet of Hats kinda stuff about the race, harsh world, fighting over resources, etc, but started to get curious about the cultural attitudes and individual beliefs of this race.


Do Rattataki have a sense of honor, loyalty, or morality? I understand they come from a harsh world, they likely view everything--even family--in very pragmatic terms. I'm not talking about an actual light side character, but I wonder what kind of variation there is in Rattataki personalities. I'd imagine there's as much as with any other race, and I hope they aren't victims of Planet of Hats kind of stuff where they're all Kaliyo. There doesn't seem to be much lore out there.


Do they love? Do they grieve the loss of a loved one or close friend? Do they ruthlessly slaughter or screw over anyone they can for personal gain because shut up? Do they give their word and then keep it? Do they hold grudges? Do they fight any chance they get or do they take a more pragmatic approach and avoid unnecessary conflict for the sake of self preservation?


Do they weigh the value of reproduction and children versus the potential cost in resources? Do they get attached to their offspring or do they remain detached? Or are they a boring race of sociopaths?


What would a typical Rattataki merc look/act like, assuming one left the homeworld for whatever reasons?

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