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Sick and Tired ..............


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You shouldn't. You should say something and then initiate a vote kick. It's the intentionally trying to irritate someone I disagree with.
Hate to say it, but I agree with TUXs.


I don't like to add someone to my Ignore list during a FP. But not adding the obstreperous player to my Ignore list doesn't prevent me from ignoring his tantrum. Pay no attention to him and one of three things will happen:


1. He shuts up and finishes the FP.

2. He quits the FP.

3. He becomes actually disruptive (AFKs, refusing to tank/heal/fight, etc.), at which point, you kick him.


I'm comfortable with each of those results.

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I'm so damn tired of not having the option to bypass storyline in Flash Points!!!!! Once you have run a FP for the 900th time you get so frustrated with those who seem to want to watch the same story over and over and over ....... ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!! Bio-Ware needs to give the option to queue up for HM FPs without storyline. I'm sick and tired of queuing up for FPs and getting the group that refuses to space bar through the story line, even though you know they have seen it by their achievement list. FFS people give us an option to by pass the story line crap in FPs or stop making us go through it. I don't need to have a light side or dark side choice after every damn kill.:mad: I've left countless FPs because of this. You know damn good and well that I'm not the only one out there, many people have said the same thing, so stop making the story line interrupt the FP's momentum by making us sit through it over and over again!


900th time? Wow dude, you are amazing, usually in my runs before we start we asked if anyone is new to them if they say not we encourage the use of the spacebar, but again you must remember that there is a big enemy for speed and it is called "LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGG", it happens, people are pressing the spacebar and the "LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGG" kicks in slowing down the process.

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If you ask nicely I'm more then happy to skip through the cut scenes but if you act like a complete dick and demand that I do it then I'll either drop group or if I'm the leader I'll boot your ***.


^ This post receives the "2 Thumbs Award" :D

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Please re-read the OP before commenting. He simply does not enjoy the story anymore and that is an opinion. His solution was to offer the ability to queue up through GF denoting that you do not want the story portions of the FPs. In no way is he stating that players shouldn't be able to watch story in GF or that he constantly types SPACEBAR in every flashpoint he is in. It isn't selfish and it isn't harmful to other players, so I'm not sure where people are coming to that conclusion.


I think there are multiple players who would enjoy something like this and while I don't think it will be successful (due to queue times), it is certianly worth discussing.

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Please re-read the OP before commenting. He simply does not enjoy the story anymore and that is an opinion. His solution was to offer the ability to queue up through GF denoting that you do not want the story portions of the FPs. In no way is he stating that players shouldn't be able to watch story in GF or that he constantly types SPACEBAR in every flashpoint he is in. It isn't selfish and it isn't harmful to other players, so I'm not sure where people are coming to that conclusion.


I think there are multiple players who would enjoy something like this and while I don't think it will be successful (due to queue times), it is certianly worth discussing.

You raise an interesting question. Suppose we had to select an option in Group Finder to either have the convos or skip them. Which group of players would see the quickest queues? I actually think it would be those who elect to skip the convos.

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Please re-read the OP before commenting. He simply does not enjoy the story anymore and that is an opinion. His solution was to offer the ability to queue up through GF denoting that you do not want the story portions of the FPs. In no way is he stating that players shouldn't be able to watch story in GF or that he constantly types SPACEBAR in every flashpoint he is in. It isn't selfish and it isn't harmful to other players, so I'm not sure where people are coming to that conclusion.


I think there are multiple players who would enjoy something like this and while I don't think it will be successful (due to queue times), it is certianly worth discussing.


But that option does not exist and the best solution is to ask if everybody has done it already and if the answer is yes if they wouldn't mind skipping that part.

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But that option does not exist and the best solution is to ask if everybody has done it already and if the answer is yes if they wouldn't mind skipping that part.


An even better solution is do the FP with friends for max efficiency and that way you don't leave things to chance. Judging by the OP's attitude though, I wouldn't be surprised if did not have many friends that wanted to run with him.

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You raise an interesting question. Suppose we had to select an option in Group Finder to either have the convos or skip them. Which group of players would see the quickest queues? I actually think it would be those who elect to skip the convos.

And of course no social points for a "convo free" option. But I have a hunch the type of player who would want a "convo free" option does not give a fig about social points.


But consider that some FPs have different paths depending on the dialog option that wins a convo. Which option should be the default? What if it's a DS/LS choice? Do we have to add "no convo LS" and "no convo DS" options to this "convo free run" scheme?

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An even better solution is do the FP with friends for max efficiency and that way you don't leave things to chance. Judging by the OP's attitude though, I wouldn't be surprised if did not have many friends that wanted to run with him.


Amen. Just group with friends or guild members and that solves your problem, maybe plan with your guild to have a night of running events and that night do the same thing 10-20 times.

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And of course no social points for a "convo free" option. But I have a hunch the type of player who would want a "convo free" option does not give a fig about social points.


But consider that some FPs have different paths depending on the dialog option that wins a convo. Which option should be the default? What if it's a DS/LS choice? Do we have to add "no convo LS" and "no convo DS" options to this "convo free run" scheme?

I agree that players like the OP aren't likely to treasure Social Points. It seems that the sole motivation for players like the OP is to complete the FP as quickly as possible ... for whatever reason. But I doubt that SP or LS/DS points are major factors for them. So, a no-convos option might mean they run the FP without any benefits of convos ... no SP, no LS/DS. Selecting the path for the FP to follow is a tougher question. I suppose, when in doubt, assume all Republic FPs go with the LS results and the Imperial get the DS results.


I'm just making a modest proposal for a way to get the OP what he wants ... speeding to the end of the FP without enjoying or acquiring any of the ancillary benefits of a FP.;)

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I agree that players like the OP aren't likely to treasure Social Points. It seems that the sole motivation for players like the OP is to complete the FP as quickly as possible ... for whatever reason. But I doubt that SP or LS/DS points are major factors for them. So, a no-convos option might mean they run the FP without any benefits of convos ... no SP, no LS/DS. Selecting the path for the FP to follow is a tougher question. I suppose, when in doubt, assume all Republic FPs go with the LS results and the Imperial get the DS results.


I'm just making a modest proposal for a way to get the OP what he wants ... speeding to the end of the FP without enjoying or acquiring any of the ancillary benefits of a FP.;)

But you follow up on my implication, namely that it's not as simple as "eliminate the convos" (because of alternative "paths"). Would a "Rep = LS" and "Imp = DS" by default automatically award LS/DS points? Or do we eliminate the points and just go the appropriate default "path?" The more we think about it, the more it's not nearly as simple as the OP probably thinks.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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But you follow up on my implication, namely that it's not as simple as "eliminate the convos" (because of alternative "paths").

Agreed, it's not that simple. Which is why I suggested a solution. Republic = LS; Empire = DS. For example, when a Pub group opts to skip all convos and run Esseles ...


the engineering crew is never spaced.


And when an Imp group skips the convos and runs Black Talon ...


the Captain is always killed on the bridge.


My point being that FP-speed-freaks like the OP don't care about the story, so it doesn't matter.


I don't care how they work out the details. I just want players like the OP to have their silly little check-box so I'm assured to never be grouped with them.

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Agreed, it's not that simple. Which is why I suggested a solution. Republic = LS; Empire = DS. For example, when a Pub group opts to skip all convos and run Esseles ...


the engineering crew is never spaced.


And when an Imp group skips the convos and runs Black Talon ...


the Captain is always killed on the bridge.


My point being that FP-speed-freaks like the OP don't care about the story, so it doesn't matter.


I don't care how they work out the details. I just want players like the OP to have their silly little check-box so I'm assured to never be grouped with them.


Which wouldn't work because if you're a DS Pub or a LS Imp you are getting points you don't want.

Edited by Anaesha
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Which wouldn't work because if you're a DS Pun or a LS Imp you are getting points you don't want.

You missed the part of our exchange when I suggested that there be no actual DS or LS rewards. But he raised the valid issue of how different DS and LS choices affect how the FP plays. So no, under this hypothetical solution to the OP's nonexistent problem, there would no impact on the character's actual LS/DS status.

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You missed the part of our exchange when I suggested that there be no actual DS or LS rewards.

I thought of it first, suggestion ninja.


I think we can all agree nothing like the OP's "suggestion" is never going to happen.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I thought of it first, suggestion ninja.


I think we can all agree nothing like the OP's "suggestion" is never going to happen.

Did you? Then I apologize for rolling Need on your idea after I saw you only rolled Greed.


And I hope you mean that nothing like the OP's idea will ever happen. Your double-negative results in positive endorsement of the OP and his wacky notions.:D

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Here's another solution:


BW can create a loot piñata and you can skip the whole needing to complete a FP thing entirely....or...just buy your loot off the GTN and keep your 'tude outta the rest of the game. If time is the utmost concern, instant loot gratification from CM or GTN is readily available. A GROUP is made of you and OTHERS.


Random is random, you gonna start another rant about sucky random loot number +900 too?


Sheesh, entitlement minded spoiled lil brats...BW please create a participation trophy for these like the Op, spews random elitist loot items when approached and on login to game, plus on logout emails them another piece of elitist junk too. Of course make said loots BoP and non vendor sale.


Yeah yeah, I know, TL/dr as it takes too much time to actually read and stuff.

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Or the Devs could create a button where for 10-100 cartel coins you can win the whole event without even having to enter in it. That way you avoid the whole cinematic and dealing with slow, want to watch, newbie, caring about story type of players. :D
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I ask players that if they have seen it before to use the spacebar, most agree it is a good thing. If a new player is present I have to wait, it is a good time to get a cup of coffe or something :tran_wink:


Amen, but some people like OP are only thinking about themselves, ME< ME< ME. Heck OP do you know you can just run the whole darn thing ALONE???? I have done it. :D

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But that option does not exist and the best solution is to ask if everybody has done it already and if the answer is yes if they wouldn't mind skipping that part.


So because the option does not exist today, it's not ok to ask for it to be added? Your post doesn't make any sense. He isn't looking for a resolution already available, merely suggesting another option.

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Too many pages to slog through with a migraine, did the OP state just why exactly hes doing group content when he doesnt like aspects of said group content?


There are much easier ways to get credits and xp fter all. Loot really should be a non issue since you can easily get comms for gear by doing dailies.


Myself i save myself headaches by avoiding FPs altogether. Its nice and stress free to not have to deal with derpy dps who like to facepull & stand in fire, healers who arent really healers but just que as it to get in.


All in all, someone not hitting spacebar as you sit there frothing at the mouth at those lost 10 seconds is inconseqential in light of all the other stupid :p

Now i cant help but imagine OPs head eventually exploding like the guy from scanners as he watches the conversation choice circle slowly fill up...

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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So because the option does not exist today, it's not ok to ask for it to be added? Your post doesn't make any sense. He isn't looking for a resolution already available, merely suggesting another option.

File his "suggestion" in the same bucket as "Let's make Wookiees a playable race." Pure trolling.

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Lol this is why I never do FPs in GF unless a friend asks me to do it. Lol why story is nice I find it funny that everyone is frothing at the mouth that HM FP just doesn't include convos. Like listening to story makes you pro XD. This is why I do PVP and Ops as both I can Spacebar through and start to play automatically (No one watches the Ops cutscenes unless you wanna swift Spacebar or be kicked cause I can easily 7 man that boss XD)
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