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How's the server's PvP?


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I'll take a poke at this here... I just returned as a sub here during the past week.


It's not bad. Primetime, you may just have to wait a few minutes for a pop. During the day, it may take a little longer, but not much. There is a mix of PvP'ers here, between casual and serious (serious being guilds that have more coordinated PvP). There maybe only a handful of guilds left that are more organized with their PvP, though... (Exiles Pub side, Grim Determination Imp side)... Though, there are some more (old and new) popping up here and there in the coming months with the new expansion.


Ranked PvP seems to take some effort to throw together.


Overall, the community is mostly friendly. Mostly.


Edit: I should mention though that the quality of PvP varies with PuGs... Which can be frustrating.

Edited by Aikon
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