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Voice of Vitiate


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Not sure if anyone knows. I looked it up but I thought it was pretty cool that the voice of vitiate is Doug Bradley.


That's what I love about this game is all the great voice actors they use for all the characters.


Yeah, it's cool when you recognize the voices. :D

I was pretty excited when I first found out that the Emperor was voiced by Doug Bradley, since I've always been a Hellraiser fan.


Not sure how much more we'll be seeing of him though. Here's to hoping they wrap up the current storyline properly, or at least revisit it in the expansion.

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Ah, Hellraiser movies. I have all 8 of them. (Some SUCKED but eh, it's got Pinhead).


When Doug Bradley is voicing the Emperor, I am just imagining him suddenly switching and saying all menacingly 'I will tear your soul apart....' DAYUM. Bioware sure can pick voice actors. Ain't no one scary sounding then Mr. Bradley.


Grr. I'm wanting to watch Hell raiser now. :rolleyes:

Edited by Eanelinea
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