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Just hit level 50, and PvP...oh dear.


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If you think it sucks being a squishy weakling in PvE, you are going to be extremely unhappy when you try to PvP.


Being stunned constantly and killed by people 20 levels below me *somehow*.


I am coming top damage on my team by far, but my amount of kills is extremely low, and my amount of deaths is extremely high, if anyone targets you you're pretty much dead. really upset with this class and wishing I hadn't wasted so much time levelling it to 50. If you're low level now and considering a new class I would really suggest it.

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I honestly don't get how you can die that often with Force Camo...


Not saying it's impossible, we all have our bad days, but between Awe, Saber Ward, Force Camo, and Transcendence, there is some great escapability in this class. Even people who hate this class make comments like "Only thing Sents are good for is running from a fight."

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ok so apparently low level people get boosted to match high level people in PVP so that explains how low level people are able to kill me and how I don't seem to do as much damage as i'd expect to them, but they still have a lot of missing abilities don't they so :/
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Er, you really shouldn't be having trouble with lower levels.. 'specially as a 50 sent.


Only thing I could add to what the other person said, is if you're having trouble, do Watchman. It's crazy good for surviving, but lacks the burst of uh.. combat, or whatever that tree is. The one with Ataru.

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Er, you really shouldn't be having trouble with lower levels.. 'specially as a 50 sent.


Only thing I could add to what the other person said, is if you're having trouble, do Watchman. It's crazy good for surviving, but lacks the burst of uh.. combat, or whatever that tree is. The one with Ataru.


I am watchman, why would I be anything else?

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I honestly don't get how you can die that often with Force Camo...


Not saying it's impossible, we all have our bad days, but between Awe, Saber Ward, Force Camo, and Transcendence, there is some great escapability in this class. Even people who hate this class make comments like "Only thing Sents are good for is running from a fight."


Prolly because in any qarzone you are guarentted to enocunter no less than 4 bounty hunters. Since there are no diminshing returns in this game, each stun, root, etc hits you for the full effect. It is not uncommon to be stunned for 9 seconds straight untill you are dead, unable to do anything.


I refuse to solo warzone on my sent. Rerolling a tropper just so I can blend and and dps from afar.

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I've been PvPing a TON the past few days, and I decimate people. Most of the time it's pretty sad how easily I can kill people. Tanky enemies are rather obnoxious, and groups of healers are a pain. But..then again that's what they do.


I can understand where people are coming from, I've pretty much face stompted every single Marauder i've seen in Warzones...I'm just curious why?


I almost always make top damage, i've almost broken 300k 3 or 4 times...I just can't quite make it. Which brings me to the feeling of the class by most of the people on here:


We are kinda weak in many ways. Other classes, I feel (as I have yet to play extensively with any yet) just do more damage than us. That's all well and good, I suppose, except these people that can keep up with, and surpass, us ALSO have the things we are forbidden: like force push/pull, a stun, incapacitates (whirlwind, etc). Not only that, two of our hardest hitting skills that require setting up simply do not work; pommel and opportune strike. And Master Strike is cumbersome to use by most (I, personally wreck people with it. And as combat the root is amazing), and because it's damage is spread out we can't get the 5k damage hit medal with it...kind of annoying.


However, with all that said...the Sentinel is a beast when played properly and not obscenely outnumbered (even then you have some entertaining tricks). Rebuke, use it, live it, love. I'm terrible at using this myself, but I still do well and remember to use it when I'm in a melee.


Centering: use it! I don't and still do very well. Let me elaborate here. There seems to be an annoying bug where off-GCD powers do not activate correctly when you click them. I end up having to spam it till it works...and that's hard to do in a heated PvP fight. I sure hope this get's addressed.


Awe: Amazing, amazing, amazing. ONE MINUTE cooldown and it mez's everyone for 6 seconds. I've defused a ton of bombs with this, and in a 2 or 3 on 1 fight, you can come out on top...it's not impossible to kill someone in 6 or 8 seconds fairly consistently.


Force Stasis: Great power, use strategically. Combined with Force Kick, and Awe, you can lock someone out of spells for 10+ seconds at least.


Pacify: Another great power i'm prone to forgetting. In a 1v1 or 2v1 you can almost completely neuter their damage output for 6 seconds. Don't use it late, as they CAN still hit and at the end is when those 10% hits can end your day.


Guarded by the Force: Ok...pure win. Seriously...running into an ENTIRE team and keeping them off the door/terminal for 5+ seconds is pretty hilarious. My favorite is popping this about 20-30% life followed IMMEDIATELY by a medpac (I have biochem, but PvP heals are great too), brings you to 40-50% life and you're pretty much immune to damage for a bit.


I also use this when near a heal pickup, followed by:


FORCE CAMO!! This power is amazing. 45second cooldown means it's pretty much always up when you wana use it. It has tons of uses, especially as combat.


1 - Drop "threat" in a group battle. If people are attacking you, pop camo and they lose target on you. Might not seem like much, but trust me...it is. If they are good enough to seemlessly pick another target and fight, you're safe. If they go "Huh, what?" and look around for a second, you're safe AND they're vulnerable AND your team is safer for a few seconds.


2 - Retreat. Combined with Guarded by the Force, as it wears off, camo and RUN! You have +30% speed while camoed so take advantage. Also you can pop Transcendence if you need a little burst.


3 - Confuse. Even if you're not under attack, I often use Camo to do what scoundrels/shadows do...sneak up on people! There's plenty of time to cover half the distance from the boxes to the door in voidstar...IAs like to hide behidn them. Camo, then immediately run behind them and unlead.


4 - Chasing. 30% Run speed, you can get an edge here and there. Positioning matters and pickups re-enforce that idea.



Now that you're alive, how do you make others not be?


Well i'm combat, so if you're not, then you'll have to find equivalents (Precision Slash and Overload Saber are pretty much the same thing in my book).



My basic combat tactics are as follows:


Force Leap

Zealous Strike

Precision Slash

Blade Rush

Blade Storm


That's the same thing I do in PvP...the thing is, with a 15% run speed buff it's hard for almost anyone to actually get away from you within a few seconds during a heated fight. Of course, being PvP this is going to happen like 10% of the time on a good day? :)



So here's a few things to keep in mind:


-Watchmen probably want to Cauterize on landing for the snare.

-Half the enemies have knockback, so run up instead! Leap in after they blast nova you.

-If you are Focus EVEN BETTER Force Leap then Zealous Leap after the knockback.

-If you're combat you'd better have Displacement. Rooting with Deadly Throw is beyond amazing.

-Time your Master Strikes so that they will have little chance of escaping (channeling, stunned by an ally,etc).

-If you're combat, use Master Strike as a root. I can keep someone in one spot for more than 10 seconds while doing truckloads of damage.

-Try to balance your Focus. Keep some on hand, but don't use Strikes when you have near full. I do a lot and it hurts me big time.

-DISPATCH RULES, that is all.

-Try to always hit Blade Rush BEFORE Blade Storm for that guaranteed crit with +10% damage.

-Kill healers, don't kill tanks.

-Beware stealth IAs :rolleyes:


Any questions, please ask. I'll answer them the best I can.

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I've been PvPing a TON the past few days, and I decimate people. Most of the time it's pretty sad how easily I can kill people. Tanky enemies are rather obnoxious, and groups of healers are a pain. But..then again that's what they do.


I can understand where people are coming from, I've pretty much face stompted every single Marauder i've seen in Warzones...I'm just curious why?


I almost always make top damage, i've almost broken 300k 3 or 4 times...I just can't quite make it. Which brings me to the feeling of the class by most of the people on here:


We are kinda weak in many ways. Other classes, I feel (as I have yet to play extensively with any yet) just do more damage than us. That's all well and good, I suppose, except these people that can keep up with, and surpass, us ALSO have the things we are forbidden: like force push/pull, a stun, incapacitates (whirlwind, etc). Not only that, two of our hardest hitting skills that require setting up simply do not work; pommel and opportune strike. And Master Strike is cumbersome to use by most (I, personally wreck people with it. And as combat the root is amazing), and because it's damage is spread out we can't get the 5k damage hit medal with it...kind of annoying.


However, with all that said...the Sentinel is a beast when played properly and not obscenely outnumbered (even then you have some entertaining tricks). Rebuke, use it, live it, love. I'm terrible at using this myself, but I still do well and remember to use it when I'm in a melee.


Centering: use it! I don't and still do very well. Let me elaborate here. There seems to be an annoying bug where off-GCD powers do not activate correctly when you click them. I end up having to spam it till it works...and that's hard to do in a heated PvP fight. I sure hope this get's addressed.


Awe: Amazing, amazing, amazing. ONE MINUTE cooldown and it mez's everyone for 6 seconds. I've defused a ton of bombs with this, and in a 2 or 3 on 1 fight, you can come out on top...it's not impossible to kill someone in 6 or 8 seconds fairly consistently.


Force Stasis: Great power, use strategically. Combined with Force Kick, and Awe, you can lock someone out of spells for 10+ seconds at least.


Pacify: Another great power i'm prone to forgetting. In a 1v1 or 2v1 you can almost completely neuter their damage output for 6 seconds. Don't use it late, as they CAN still hit and at the end is when those 10% hits can end your day.


Guarded by the Force: Ok...pure win. Seriously...running into an ENTIRE team and keeping them off the door/terminal for 5+ seconds is pretty hilarious. My favorite is popping this about 20-30% life followed IMMEDIATELY by a medpac (I have biochem, but PvP heals are great too), brings you to 40-50% life and you're pretty much immune to damage for a bit.


I also use this when near a heal pickup, followed by:


FORCE CAMO!! This power is amazing. 45second cooldown means it's pretty much always up when you wana use it. It has tons of uses, especially as combat.


1 - Drop "threat" in a group battle. If people are attacking you, pop camo and they lose target on you. Might not seem like much, but trust me...it is. If they are good enough to seemlessly pick another target and fight, you're safe. If they go "Huh, what?" and look around for a second, you're safe AND they're vulnerable AND your team is safer for a few seconds.


2 - Retreat. Combined with Guarded by the Force, as it wears off, camo and RUN! You have +30% speed while camoed so take advantage. Also you can pop Transcendence if you need a little burst.


3 - Confuse. Even if you're not under attack, I often use Camo to do what scoundrels/shadows do...sneak up on people! There's plenty of time to cover half the distance from the boxes to the door in voidstar...IAs like to hide behidn them. Camo, then immediately run behind them and unlead.


4 - Chasing. 30% Run speed, you can get an edge here and there. Positioning matters and pickups re-enforce that idea.



Now that you're alive, how do you make others not be?


Well i'm combat, so if you're not, then you'll have to find equivalents (Precision Slash and Overload Saber are pretty much the same thing in my book).



My basic combat tactics are as follows:


Force Leap

Zealous Strike

Precision Slash

Blade Rush

Blade Storm


That's the same thing I do in PvP...the thing is, with a 15% run speed buff it's hard for almost anyone to actually get away from you within a few seconds during a heated fight. Of course, being PvP this is going to happen like 10% of the time on a good day? :)



So here's a few things to keep in mind:


-Watchmen probably want to Cauterize on landing for the snare.

-Half the enemies have knockback, so run up instead! Leap in after they blast nova you.

-If you are Focus EVEN BETTER Force Leap then Zealous Leap after the knockback.

-If you're combat you'd better have Displacement. Rooting with Deadly Throw is beyond amazing.

-Time your Master Strikes so that they will have little chance of escaping (channeling, stunned by an ally,etc).

-If you're combat, use Master Strike as a root. I can keep someone in one spot for more than 10 seconds while doing truckloads of damage.

-Try to balance your Focus. Keep some on hand, but don't use Strikes when you have near full. I do a lot and it hurts me big time.

-DISPATCH RULES, that is all.

-Try to always hit Blade Rush BEFORE Blade Storm for that guaranteed crit with +10% damage.

-Kill healers, don't kill tanks.

-Beware stealth IAs :rolleyes:


Any questions, please ask. I'll answer them the best I can.


I agree with all you have said, and what you do in PvP is pretty much exactly what I do, but why do I still feel like i'm made of paper mache and my lightsabers are toilet roll tubes?

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I have no idea. I agree we hit a bit weaker than we should. But, I rarely feel too squishy unless i'm getting focused heavily...and I should go down if so. With GBtF and Camo I feel I can escape those situations as needed.


Try finding a healer to play with? Might help you feel stronger, just be careful not too get too crazy.

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I am watchman, why would I be anything else?

Because its currently the hardest spec to play that requires way too much finesse.

Someone who doesnt realise how to live long enough to reach CC immunity shouldnt be playing such a complex spec and go either Combat or Focus which is WAAYYY easier to manage.

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Because its currently the hardest spec to play that requires way too much finesse.

Someone who doesnt realise how to live long enough to reach CC immunity shouldnt be playing such a complex spec and go either Combat or Focus which is WAAYYY easier to manage.


what do you mean reach CC immunity? how does watchman help with that?

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I am watchman, why would I be anything else?


For the same reason you already posted, you are top damage, yet don't get any kills.


Do you know why? Because your burst damage is bad and you can't finish off people getting healed. Ironically, Watchman is probably the best PvP spec until the early 30, but you are 50.


Watchman is god like in a scenario where there is no healing and on boss fights. But in normal PvP, majority of the time, there is a healer somewhere and everyone is running with potions, in which case Focus and Combat will utterly destroy them because they won't have time to react.


Unless you run a specific damage attrition pressure group build, burst damage will always be the superior damage method in PvP.


Right now, all you are doing is steady damage that's being healed. Sure, it puts huge pressure on the healers, but at the same time, your target is alive and kicking.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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I almost always make top damage, i've almost broken 300k 3 or 4 times...I just can't quite make it. Which brings me to the feeling of the class by most of the people on here:


Might I ask if that was level 50? Because I am at level 32 atm and have yet to brake 300k damage. And yes I am always in top 3 at least. But I do think that gona change once I get "Blade Rush", as I need to rely on the Aturu Proc way to much atm, to get most out of Blade Rush.


On topic. What Britharne said about Sentinel. Sentinle is powerfull in right hand, and with those ultilities he mentiond its just insane what you can do.

I have jumped in the middle of an enemy group so many times to take out a healer and than pop most my ultilities to than survive and kill my target to escape with "Force Cloak" (or what ever its name). I mean nothing gets better than that, and I still dont have my important "Blade Rush" ;p

So at level 40 with the new PvP gear and "Blade Rush", Sentinel is gona be Insane >.< I fear we gona get nerfed.

Edited by OldxLady
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Might I ask if that was level 50? Because I am at level 32 atm and have yet to brake 300k damage. And yes I am always in top 3 at least. But I do think that gona change once I get "Blade Rush", as I need to rely on the Aturu Proc way to much atm, to get most out of Blade Rush.


He is just running around applying DoTs, it's not much different from the old Necromancer stays in the back and tab dots everyone. It's incredible total damage, but it's useless most of the time.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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He is just running around applying DoTs, it's not much different from the old Necromancer stays in the back and tab dots everyone. It's incredible total damage, but it's useless most of the time.


No m8, he is Combat Speced, if you read when he talks about his rotation ;p

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Sentinel needs to be played in a pretty specific way. We aren't a tanky class at all. To think that because we're a jedi knight is a mistake that is going to cost you.


What we are is a class that A. Has a lot of survivability mechanics. B. Can deal solid damage. and C. can really mess up a healer.


You need to keep those three things in mind when you play. Firstly, you need to be careful about when and where you engage, this sounds like it might be your biggest problem OP.


You do not want to initiate a large fight, that means you don't want to leap into 5 enemies regardless of how many allies you have at your back (unless you have a lot of faith in a healer whos supporting you).


Your role is to flank your enemy, enter a fight thats already started, or pick off players who are on the edges of the battle (it helps that these players are usually healers).


YOU CAN NOT tank 2 or more players for very long, you will die... Luckily for you, we have 3 great survivability skills in saber ward, guarded by the force, and camo.


If you ever find yourself with 2 or more players on you in a bad situation, immediately camo and run away. Use the healing powerups in warzones and get back into the fight, if your camo is down use guarded by the force when you have very very low health. Saber ward should be used early in a fight to prevent damage.


I almost never die, with these 3 abilities and a resuasable health pack from biochem, as long as I'm trying and not leaping around aimlessly like I do when I get bored, then I usually end warzones with 0 deaths.

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