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New Idea for SWTOR: Defections!


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I had this crazy idea a few days ago. Seeing that defections happen in all the stories of SW, I figured "why not have a defection system?" I feel this is a great idea. Defections could very well improve the game...? Although, it seems a bit complicated.. For example, we aaaallllllll want Imperial Troopers. There could possibly be a system which allows only ONE defection AKA faction change. I havn't given it way too much thought, but I feel this idea has some potential! :):):):o
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Long story short. No.


Short story long. This is idea thats been kicking around since well before launch. Thing is it would basically need to be a whole quest line to have any meaning and how would it work for companions...? Each class has a counterpoint on the other side already... Yadyadyad.... the effort to make it worthwile is better spent on completely new content.


Like Fallen Empire.

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Long story short. No.


Actually as an expansion idea it could work, one of my favorite MMOs from years gone by did just that, and it was really fun and amazing. Hell with Fallen Empires they might have made the story setup perfect to do just this. After all we lose our companions and get to re-friend with them or get new ones. So I don't actually see the old reasons being valid after Fallen Empire, hell it maybe one of the options in the expansion, after all it's a game changing expansion.

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Actually as an expansion idea it could work, one of my favorite MMOs from years gone by did just that, and it was really fun and amazing. Hell with Fallen Empires they might have made the story setup perfect to do just this. After all we lose our companions and get to re-friend with them or get new ones. So I don't actually see the old reasons being valid after Fallen Empire, hell it maybe one of the options in the expansion, after all it's a game changing expansion.


Bioware's already said in interviews that it's not happening, at least not in this expansion. The way the expansion works according to interviews and articles is simple: visit any of the old planets, and you're in the past. Visit any of the new planets, and you're in the expansion's present/future. No faction switching.

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This might actually be possible with the new expansion. Bioware said they are trying to focus on story more, with the player's actions actually making a difference. There has also been a big light vs. dark theme going on recently. Perhaps when you wake up you will have the option to re-make the Sith Empire, even if you are republic. Now, I doubt it would actually put you on the Empire faction, but it could at least make your story follow a new Empire path.
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This might actually be possible with the new expansion. Bioware said they are trying to focus on story more, with the player's actions actually making a difference. There has also been a big light vs. dark theme going on recently. Perhaps when you wake up you will have the option to re-make the Sith Empire, even if you are republic. Now, I doubt it would actually put you on the Empire faction, but it could at least make your story follow a new Empire path.


They've already said no, no defections.

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I believe the old reason given as to why this would never happen was that they'd have to record and animate twice as much player dialogue. That is to say right now the male juggernaut VA only records VA for imperial quests. If your juggernaut defected, they would have record the VA again for all of the republic quests and the animators would have to lip sync everything again. They would have to do this for all 16 player voice actors.


If BioWare is moving away from two faction storylines and is doing just one, that makes defections seem way more plausible. I'd love to hear some feedback from someone on the development team as to whether or not this is a practical dream now.

Edited by HaoZhao
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I believe the old reason given as to why this would never happen was that they'd have to record and animate twice as much player dialogue. That is to say right now the male juggernaut VA only records VA for imperial quests. If your juggernaut defected, they would have record the VA again for all of the republic quests and the animators would have to lip sync everything again. They would have to do this for all 16 player voice actors.


If BioWare is moving away from two faction storylines and is doing just one, that makes defections seem way more plausible. I'd love to hear some feedback from someone on the development team as to whether or not this is a practical dream now.


I agree. Money would be better spent designing a whole other class. (Imma still waiting on my pure diplomat class, think Padme.) Or, or! defections could work, if it was a part of a new playable class, because then they'd only need to design two lines vs 16.

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