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Merc | Companion for Leveling?


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Switch off her Carbonized Stream though. If you want an enemy CCed, you'll Concussive Missile them, not sic your companion on them. And while she's keeping them locked down, she's not doing any damage or heals.


Unless you're specced for Bodyguard, in which case you'll want either Torian Cadera or Blizz. (Gault is squishier and doesn't grab aggro as well due to being ranged, and you don't want to use Skadge because you hate him. Don't hate Skadge yet? Trust me, you'll hate Skadge.)

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Just finished the BH main story as a merc tonight at lvl 52. I used Mako the entire time except for the odd missions that I would use a newly recruited companion for a test run. Definitely the better companion. Relatively good dps and awesome healing if you keep her geared. Missions go a lot faster without having to stop every 100 hundred yards to vent heat and reload. Now just gotta figure out endgame.
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Generally speaking, if you're:

- dps, use a healer companion

- healer, use a dps companion

- tank, use either dps or healer companion, depending on content


So yes, use Mako. Once you complete SoR expansion, hit 60, and get yourself and your companion kitted out, you can start running as dps / dps companion. Until then, stick to the above.

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imo treek is so op, he/she? is always best. just standard comps for bh depends on what you are running. as a dps merc with pretty good dcd you could run a dps or a heals. same with a tank spec, but if you are running heals then a dps comp would be my choice (or a tank if you are still having trouble killing mobs.) as far as specific comp, it doesn't matter, aside from the spec of healer/dps/tank, they are all cookie cutter identical. Edited by sumquy
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