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Best pvp class


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I currently have 5 dps full 168 aug or greater and 2 heals full 168 or greater. Now i want to create a tank, and was wondering which class is the best overall. I have heard in is a hybrid where the damage it very good, but is not a main tank. I know juggs have insane CDs on their abilities and a very hard to kill while they deal a reasonable amount of damage. Then there's pts which i just dont know about. Any help would be much appreciated.
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in my experience, the only tank I notice not performing as well as the others is sin/shadow. from what I gather, jugg or PT depends on the composition and philosophy of your grp (in ranked). in regs, it doesn't much matter but the highest numbers I've seen are from juggs in tank spec...not sure how they're geared. but they're almost certainly getting a lot of aoe (as would a PT).
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I want to do ranked with the tank so should i be jugg or sin?


if you're in solo q, PT tanks seem to do better and be more common. for grp, I know PT is best with dot spread b/c you can add to the cleave/pressure with a very fast flamethrower. I know even less about jugg tank usage, but I gather they're better in single target and swapping cuz they have better CC (so you cannot heal or guard the focused target).

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I want to do ranked with the tank so should i be jugg or sin?


Dude, check the rankings. PT/VG is the second best pvp class with a margin (sorc being best).


Juggs are just barely included (only 3). PT as a class holds 27 of the top 100 (sorc at 36), with sin/op coming in far behind at 15/16. If you want to rock it, the choice is clear.


And last, Sorcs are getting healing buffs come 3.3. With the class balancing talents evident since the year of the Marauder, I'm guessing PT will also get a significant buff soon so the two can have a 50/50 split of the top 100 for coming seasons.

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Sin needs a good healing buff tbh. As deception spec, 1 healing ability is pretty ******, even pts have more than that.


good lord. no. none of these tank classes, especially not in dps spec, should have healing returns. let alone Fing passive ones (which the ALL do). I know I'm old school here, but remember when tank was called a tank cuz it was built like a...you know...TANK? and while the tank was taking a pummeling, his healer would have time to heal him b/c he didn't drop like a rock (dps)?


yes. I'm incredibly salty that dps specs without a single "heal spell" in their toolbox are out healing healing classes in dps spec.

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