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Highest PVP DPS Matches on Shadowlands (3.1+)


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Highest PVP DPS Matches on Shadowlands (3.1-3.3.x)



This is an archive of the highest DPS matches for each class from the bolster nerf (3.1) until the start of 4.0. Some shallow people would say this is epeen stroking--and in some cases that's true--but mostly it's about seeing how far classes can be pushed in a PVP setting. Indeed, this is not a "best players of each class" thread. Putting up huge numbers in regs doesn't necessarily translate to ranked awareness or anything like that. Some good players can put up numbers but can't manufacture kills; other good players can get kills but don't put up high numbers. Therefore, being first in these categories doesn't automatically make you the best at what you do.


Rules and Notes

- Must be current (since 3.1/March) since some things have been nerfed and starfighter gear isn't factored in anymore.

- Shadowlands only.

- No premades of four DPS vs four healers.

- Only full length games permitted.

- Include the spec if your toolbars are hidden. Also include the patch if possible.

- Please note if the match is ranked. Ranked is SWTOR at the highest level; 3k dps in ranked is FAR more impressive than 4k dps in regs (at least as far as dot specs go).

- Classes are presented in order of hardest to get high numbers on (Operative/Merc) to easiest (Sorc/Assassin).

- Imperial terms are used (because imps rule)

- A new thread will be created for 4.0. This will remain as an archive (much like Kirito's 3.0 thread).


Operative / Scoundrel

DPS rank: 8/8 (Lowest)

1. Entity 2815.81 DPS Concealment (Regs)

2. Radish 2429.72 DPS Lethality (Regs)

3. Alex 2340.1 DPS Concealment (Regs)

4. Doto 2099.43 DPS Lethality (Regs)

5. Hoppin 2009.94 DPS Lethality Level 42 (Midbies)


Mercenary / Commando

DPS rank: 7/8

1. Hoppin 2749.68 DPS Arsenal (Regs)

2. Jalgo 2705.28 DPS IO (Regs)

3. Chasso 2656.13 DPS Arsenal (Regs)

4. Hoppin 2651.76 DPS Arsenal (Regs)

5. Xaney 2614.32 DPS Arsenal (Regs)


Marauder / Sentinel

DPS rank: 6/8

1. Lafayette 3257.81 DPS Annihilation (Regs)

2. Lafayette 3145.45 DPS Annihilation (Regs)

3. Spikey 3014.2 DPS Annihilation (Regs)

4. Lafayette 2866.06 DPS Annihilation (Regs)

5. Aluvian 2739.85 DPS Fury (Regs)


Sniper / Gunslinger

DPS rank: 5/8 (Average)

1. Noshadow 3125.89 DPS Virulence (Regs)

2. Medaped 3095.75 DPS Marksman (Regs)

3. Jalgo 3000.57 DPS Virulence (Regs)

4. Khronik 2853.60 DPS Marksman (Regs)

5. Noshadow 2843.41 DPS Virulence (Regs)


Powertech / Vanguard

DPS rank: 4/8

1. Khronik 3122.61 DPS Pyro (Regs)

2. Alex 2940.42 DPS AP (Regs)

3. Jalgo 2936.98 DPS AP in Tank Gear (Regs)

4. Jalgo 2689.48 DPS AP (Regs)

5. Zenod 2647.6 DPS AP (Regs)


Juggernaut / Guardian

DPS rank: 3/8

1. Jalgo 4002.51 DPS Vengeance (Regs)

2. Zenod 3293.52 DPS Vengeance (Regs)





Sorcerer / Sage

DPS rank: 2/8

1. Jalgo 3749.04 DPS Madness (Regs)

2. Medaped 3694.48 DPS Madness (Regs)

3. Medaped 3600 DPS Madness (Regs)

4. Khronik 3568.62 DPS Madness (Regs)

5. Tails 3476.85 DPS Madness (Regs)


Assassin / Shadow

DPS rank: 1/8 (Highest)

1. Jalgo 4576.14 DPS Hatred (Regs)

2. Abalam 4507.13 DPS Hatred (Regs)

2. Jalgo 3758.5 DPS Hatred (Regs)

3. Kirito 3583.69 DPS Hatred (Regs)

4. Kirito 3233.03 DPS Hatred (Regs)


General Conclusions

1. In a pvp setting, it is hardest to put up high numbers as an Operative and Mercenary and easiest on a Sorcerer or Mercenary. I would also throw Marauder in the "hardest" category because it's melee, but it's been getting some help as of late.

2. The classes in the middle of the pack (Sniper, PT, Marauder) are very effective at bursting people in ranked, though their cooldowns aren't as potent as a jug. This makes sense because jugs have a lot of survivability and not quite as much burst as the aforementioned classes. Working as intended most likely.

3. Jugs are probably less potent than PTs overall but a lack of data is in play here.

5. Mercenaries have fairly low output in PVP but are consistent and versatile; the top damage games tend to fall in the 2400-2800 range for both specs. Arsenal is more consistent than IO, which is surprising considering how dominant IO is in a pve setting.

6. All of the assassin screenshots were prior to the dot spread nerf; realistically, its raw damage output is probably behind sorc at this point.

7. Snipers have excellent burst AND sustained, making them easily the best ranged dps in a group setting. They do everything a Merc does but better, and can pressure almost as well as sorcs thanks to their incredibly powerful AoE and dot spread. When solo queuing, however, Mercs and Sorcs are more versatile and self sustaining. Working as intended probably. Mercs are 2nd in burst and 2nd in survivability for ranged - it's a "jack of all trades, master of none" class that is easily tunneled.

8. AP is "'ol reliable" for burst and remarkable sustained, but pyro has a higher ceiling due to its emphasis on cleave.

9. Not enough people play jugs (or post jug screenshots). Disappointing!

10. Ever since the force storm nerf, the ceiling for good Sorc DPS matches is between 3300 and 3600. Prior to that it was up to 7500 in perfect/ideal parsing circumstances (http://imgur.com/AxFug0e).

11. Marauders, jugs, and snipers are probably the most balanced classes in a group setting at the moment. Sorcs, PTs, and Assassins are a little overpowered; Mercs and Operatives are a little underpowered. Assassins might fall into that "balanced" category ever since the lacerate nerf.

Edited by Hoppinswtor
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Lacerate already costs so much less force, also procs vanquish, and now will spread dots, so you're GARANTEED to spread them to like everyone as you already had to be close for discharge/thrash. AND you dont have to care about where to aim death field. (obv on groups but yeah). uhm hello thats a buff
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It's not gonna be as effective at getting the groups that are not really stacked up, death field/force in balance is the best form of dot spread, taking that away regardless of what lacerate can do is a nerf. It's takes the range the ability to actually place and get all the people that are not stacked up away.
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Restarted thread and will update regularly. Someone should make a thread for healing if there's demand.


Why do this? Some shallow people would say epeen (and in some cases that's true) but mostly it's about seeing how far classes can be pushed in a PVP setting. It's interesting to break down matches and scoreboards and see how others fare. It's also nice to see how classes fare as they are nerfed and/or buffed.


It's starting kinda empty but I filled it in with some of my current screenshots. I know many people have done a lot higher than the screens I've posted :)


This is not a "best players of each class" thread. Putting up huge numbers in regs doesn't necessarily translate to ranked awareness or anything like that. Being first in these categories doesn't automatically make you the best at what you do.



- Must be current (since 3.1/March) since some things have been nerfed and starfighter gear isn't factored in anymore.

- No Acid farming AT ALL.

- Shadowlands only.

- You must as least have some awareness; ignoring objectives is so 2014. The key is to maximize your class' potential while simultaneously carrying your team of pugs. This is sort of an honor system thing. Losses can be included but they should be somewhat close matches.

- No premades of four DPS vs four healers.

- Only full length games permitted.

- Include the spec if your toolbars are hidden. Also include the patch if possible.

- Please note if the match is ranked. Ranked is SWTOR at the highest level; 3k dps in ranked is FAR more impressive than 4k dps in regs (at least as far as dot specs go).


Assassin / Shadow

1. Jalgo 4576.14 DPS Hatred (Regs)

2. Jalgo 3758.5 DPS Hatred (Regs)

3. Zenod 3040.26 DPS Hatred (Regs)

4. Zenod 2375.53 DPS Tank Spec (Regs)

5. Zenod 2147.92 DPS Deception (Regs)


Mercenary / Commando

1. Hoppin 2749.68 DPS Arsenal (Regs)

2. Chasso 2656.13 DPS Arsenal (Regs)

3. Xaney 2614.32 DPS Arsenal (Regs)

4. Hoppin 2535.15 DPS Arsenal (Regs)

5. Hoppin 2508.47 DPS Arsenal (Regs)


Juggernaut / Guardian

1. Jalgo 4002.51 DPS Vengeance (Regs)

2. Zenod 3293.52 DPS Vengeance (Regs)





Marauder / Sentinel

1. Reserved for FREQUENCYZ

2. Lafayette 2516 DPS Annihilation (Regs)

3. Jalgo 2448.5 DPS Carnage (Regs)

4. Hoppin 2438.43 DPS Carnage (Regs)

5. Zenod 2205.48 DPS Carnage (Regs)


Operative / Scoundrel

1. Alex 2340.1 DPS Concealment (Regs)

2. Hoppin 2009.94 DPS Lethality LV 42 (Midbies)





Sorcerer / Sage

1. Jalgo 3242.72 DPS Madness (Regs)

2. Ashanti 3182.47 DPS Madness (Regs)

3. Zenod 3136.83 DPS Lightning (Regs)

4. Hoppin 3030.05 DPS Madness (Regs)

5. Hoppin 2995.13 DPS Madness (Regs)


Sniper / Gunslinger

1. Jalgo 3000.57 DPS Virulence (Regs)

2. Jad-Bond 2696.53 DPS Marksman (Regs)

3. Trade 2566.31 DPS Marksman (Ranked Win)

4. Jalgo 2504.21 DPS Marksman (Regs)

5. Jad-Bond 2437.35 DPS Marksman (Regs)


Powertech / Vanguard

1. Alex 2940.42 DPS AP (Regs)

2. Jalgo 2936.98 DPS AP in Tank Gear (Regs)

3. Jalgo 2689.48 DPS AP (Regs)

4. Zenod 2647.6 DPS AP (Regs)



Got two pics to share one of them only counts due to being on shadow-lands.

Annil: 2338.62 dps

Lost was due to the bads not doing there job on the team.



Combat: 2658.63 DPS

http://imgur.com/1OW5R5L :)

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