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Status of the Galaxy [KotFE]


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This is something that is best clarified for the RPers among us, it's be really nice to know exactly where we stand, as most characters outside of the Outlander will presumably have lived and fought in the conflict. Some sort of timeline would be nice, but the vitals should be laid out for us to plan upon if possible.


The Sith and Jedi still exist in some form, in their temples, if not in their former position. How fragmented are the remnants of the faction? How are the Hutts doing? The Corporations? Is everything under direct Eternal Empire control.. or more along the lines of puppet governents? How did the conflict with the Eternal Empire progress, exactly?


Hoping Bioware will take time to bring it all to light as detailed as possible, and hopefully help us move foreward, as we'll likely need to write up whatever has happened in the years the game skims past, as well as the fighting.

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This is something that is best clarified for the RPers among us, it's be really nice to know exactly where we stand, as most characters outside of the Outlander will presumably have lived and fought in the conflict. Some sort of timeline would be nice, but the vitals should be laid out for us to plan upon if possible.


The Sith and Jedi still exist in some form, in their temples, if not in their former position. How fragmented are the remnants of the faction? How are the Hutts doing? The Corporations? Is everything under direct Eternal Empire control.. or more along the lines of puppet governents? How did the conflict with the Eternal Empire progress, exactly?


Hoping Bioware will take time to bring it all to light as detailed as possible, and hopefully help us move foreward, as we'll likely need to write up whatever has happened in the years the game skims past, as well as the fighting.


It is very likely that while most NPC's fought in the conflict, very few made it out alive.


I don't know how the Sith can retreat to their temples, considering we saw Korriban razed to the ground in the cinematic. Do they mean the Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas? That's... not really a temple so much as it is Vitiate's personal ditch in which to throw enemies.


The Sith Empire is obviously highly fragmented (possibly even more so than the Imperial remnants after Palpatine's death); do you seriously think the Sith would just allow Korriban to be wiped off the map? The Republic is harder to say. The rocky, lightly vegetated planet seems to have both Empire and Republic troops butchered, but the flashes are to quick (for me at least) to tell what it is. We do see the brothers invading what looks like Alderaan, especially given the snow. The crashed Thranta looks like it might be on Tatooine, but temperate worlds have deserts also. And why would the Republic so zealously guard an outer rim dustball?


It's possible they install puppet governments like the Sith to some conquered worlds, but given the wholesale slaughter they wreak, it's far more likely any world they attack is devastated like Korriban. It's hard to say anything about the Hutts or corporations, they're not so tied to specific planets like the Republic or Empire. Their resources are probably scattered in much the same way, but given the liquid nature of corporate assets, are likely hurt more in the fact that the major political players are heavily damaged. It's hard to sell your war machines to a government that barely exists.


The conflict is hard to predict, given we see very little of the resources of this new foe. We do see dozens of massive ships in the background just before the invasion begins, however. It was probably swift and decisive with both factions caught with their pants down (possibly still dealing with/cleaning up after Vitiate), taking no more than a handful of years. By comparison, the empire took almost two decades to stalemate with the Republic (which I think is how some people started throwing around a twenty year gap). Think Imperial invasion of Korriban in the old Return trailer, but dozens or possibly even hundreds of worlds invaded at once; not just one. The brothers do move around a lot in the trailer, but it takes only a week or something to hyperspace across the galaxy, so that's not indicative.

Edited by Diviciacus
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I suspect that both the republic and the empire have been reduced to a sort of rebel alliance status. In other words they have fleets and armies, but they can only operate on the margins of the galaxy and are moving their base from planet to planet. This makes sense purely from them echoeing the original trilogy and this was something very well done in the Legacy era with the Galactic Alliance; which I think weill be strong inspiration for the story. So I think Darth Marr and Satile Shan will be the centers of the two factions.


Incidently, this could be Biowares excuse for retaining the fleets without the need for a new post level 60 hub. They'd simply say the fleet is now constantly on the move. Personally I thjink a new hub is neccesdary otherwise it will take you out of the game.


I also suspect that we didn't see much of the republic (or even Empire to lesser extent) in this trailer because there might be another cinematic trailer(s) closer to the date. So we might see Coruscant or Drommund Kaas fall. Really wouldn't surprise me if Saetile appeared in a cinematic cutscene. This could help explain the position of each faction in the same way the launch trailers did.


By fallen I think they meen in a similar sense to the Yuuzhang Vong. So Coruscant and Drommund Kaas will almost certainly be either conquered or even totally destroyed. Coruscant has been rebuilt many times before so this would not be unprecedented. Technically the New Republic falls at the point the senate house falls and the capital with it. I could see a similar deathblow being dealt even if many worlds remain in "republic" or "Imperial" hands.


Personally I can buy a (presumably) more technologically advanced civilisation overcoming two really exhausted empires that have been devastated by two colossal wars. Both came very close to collapse. The republic during the first galactic war in the initiasl Imperial invasion, and again during the coreworlds offensive at the battle of corellia. Whereas the Empire has been on the brink of collapse ever since the battle of Corellia.


I am curious about where the Mandalorian clans fit into all of this. Would they continue to serve the Empire if a stronger force came along? Would they change sides or be prevented from doing so?

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