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Theran Shan?


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That is also true. I can understand why Lana would want our characters on her team. I really do, just not a huge fan of it on my gunslinger. Which is why I hope we get a choice, if she really is a companion, of taking her or not.


My other characters will be thrilled to see her. Especially my Warrior. :D


Dark-Side-sexual? :p

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My personal guess (with admittedly no real proof) is that we'll get to choose either Lana or Theron as a permanent(ish) companion regardless of faction. It's entirely possible we'll have what a lot of the ME2 companions said, "I'm not working for [insert faction], I'm working for you." That's a mindset that a lot of the vanilla companions have - think of Vette, Akaavi, Skadge, Kaliyo, and so forth. It'll definitely be interesting to see Theron or Lana on the opposite faction; showing Theron around Kaas City or Lana around the Senate Plaza will be pretty amusing.
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See, I'm not 100% sold on Lana saving everyone regardless of side, yet. It doesn't feel right, for me, to have her rescue Naelah when they didn't get along. Granted, by the time we wake up everything has gone to hell in a hand basket, but still.


Yeah that is the feeling im getting as well. I would love to be able to pick either one as a companion. My agent does not trust her but is working okay with her. My Jedi hates her for throwing Theron to Revan.

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I disagree on the thought that Lana wouldn't rescue you. Lana is nothing if not pragmatic. I think she'd be willing to rescue your character, regardless of faction or how she feels about you, with the stakes raised as high as they seem to be.
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Sorry if I came of sounding like I disagree, I don't. I also see Lana doing whatever is necessary, no matter what side you are on. I personally just don't trust her 100%. Obviously her getting you stolen and unfreezing you after 5 years has to be a big deal (I Hope they explain why it took 5 years, probably being hidden whatnot. I know its via story but I'm shocked the character was not just killed, but we would have no game that way)


I am just saying I would prefer to be rescued by Theron on Pub side ch as it would make more sense.

Edited by Cindlehr
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Also where in the story does Theron holo call to say good luck? I'm not remembering it.


Might be this on Ziost, audio only and only on the republic side:


"The other one, the OTHER one-sorry, Master Suro took down a squad trying to evac slaves then turned on the slaves. I'm running triage on the survivors, sorry I just...*deep breath* wanted to...just...good luck ok?"

Edited by Nefla
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Fairly sure that Lana is

the sister of the two brothers, thus the 'daughter' of the VEmperor.


So... I have suspicions on her end-game. Namely, given the indifference said parent has to their offspring, I figure she's going for


taking over the family throne.



She's just playing a really, really, really deep game. TShan will figure that out at somepoint, just in time for all the folks who fell for Lana's tricks to feel really betrayed.

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Fairly sure that Lana is

the sister of the two brothers, thus the 'daughter' of the VEmperor.


So... I have suspicions on her end-game. Namely, given the indifference said parent has to their offspring, I figure she's going for


taking over the family throne.



She's just playing a really, really, really deep game. TShan will figure that out at somepoint, just in time for all the folks who fell for Lana's tricks to feel really betrayed.


While that's possible, it's unlikely since we already know that Vaylin is their sister.

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Fairly sure that Lana is

the sister of the two brothers, thus the 'daughter' of the VEmperor.



Why would she -- daughter to one of Dromund Kaas's most celebrated entrepreneurs -- care about a group of slaves?

I realize this thread is all about Theron and fantasizing about him, but that's a bit too much.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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all good points. Lana is going to be super important somehow, just no one has any idea on why yet. Youtube romance arc for Lana looks like she really is telling the truth to the character. So a very suspicious Sith, who refuses to take a title, cares about slaves, etc. She is def. a wildcard.
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all good points. Lana is going to be super important somehow, just no one has any idea on why yet. Youtube romance arc for Lana looks like she really is telling the truth to the character. So a very suspicious Sith, who refuses to take a title, cares about slaves, etc. She is def. a wildcard.


No weirder than any of the LS Sith PCs. I think she's just being set up as a sane, level-headed Sith companion who doesn't constantly talk about secretly being a Jedi like LS Jaesa and Ashara do.

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Quote: Originally Posted by Cindlehr View Post


Also where in the story does Theron holo call to say good luck? I'm not remembering it.

Might be this on Ziost, audio only and only on the republic side:


"The other one, the OTHER one-sorry, Master Suro took down a squad trying to evac slaves then turned on the slaves. I'm running triage on the survivors, sorry I just...*deep breath* wanted to...just...good luck ok?"


I can't find this anywhere in the scenes for RotE on youtube :confused:

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Sorry if I came of sounding like I disagree, I don't. I also see Lana doing whatever is necessary, no matter what side you are on. I personally just don't trust her 100%. Obviously her getting you stolen and unfreezing you after 5 years has to be a big deal (I Hope they explain why it took 5 years, probably being hidden whatnot. I know its via story but I'm shocked the character was not just killed, but we would have no game that way)


I am just saying I would prefer to be rescued by Theron on Pub side ch as it would make more sense.


No problem! It would make more sense for Lana or Theron to rescue you based on faction, but my feeling is that Lana rescues us (regardless of faction) and then she leads us to Theron.


...Unless he's mostly naked and tied to the bed in the captain's quarters. ;)


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It definitely sounds like Lana is saving us. It will be interesting to see how it works out. I just hope they don't leave Theron out, he is a def. favorite mostly due to being cute and hysterically snarky.


ooohhh.... I wonder if they both bring Imperial Intelligence and SIS to work together? Both fractions get destroyed apparently. It could make sense to have some people willing to work together for a greater cause.


But seriously, if anyone can find a video of that holo call clip I would appreciate it. I looked through both Shadows and Rise and see nothing.

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But seriously, if anyone can find a video of that holo call clip I would appreciate it. I looked through both Shadows and Rise and see nothing.


I already did, as pointed out above:


^^ You just need to click on the link.

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The clip is a lot faster than I would have thought it to be. Then again he is in a panicked situation, working well with it but still.


He is def. checking in with you, my guess would be because of what just happened he immediately thought of you being in the middle of all of this and slightly freaked out. Now I feel conflicted with the good luck line. I would think if someone was worried and trying to say I love you, especially with his personality, it would be a bit slower. I personally would jumble everything going through my mind and talking. Then again Theron is a character who is extremely fast to think and react on his feet. So, the line being much faster makes sense for him.


It could also be he is trying to say something about you being important but just can't word it. It's obvious due to vocal tones that he is updating you but he is also very worried, he's relieved you are there. It's really sweet.


I just wanted to check on you

I just wanted to make sure you are safe

I just was manly having a moment and needed to be sure you weren't dying

I just wanted to say I love you


Whatever it was, even if not the way we are guessing it being (so non romantic) its freaking adorable.


It makes sense too he's literally telling probably droids and people what to do to try to keep people from dying, probably casualties, and can't help but worry.

Edited by Cindlehr
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