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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Insta-60's and Missed Titles/Achievements


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I'm sure there will probably do a Q&A or FAQ on this, but we can still speculate until that happens.


If you start a character at 60 for the new expansion, will you miss out on leveling titles and achievements (eg: Baroness for Female BH's). I'm thinking that they'll turn it so that your character is 60, but you still have the option of going back and doing previous chapters (much how you can skip Corellia and go to Makeb, but still go back at a higher level and finish.) That seems like the most logical thing to do, but we all know how sometimes companies seem to lack that.

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You have a choice to use one of your old lvl 60 toons or get an immediate lvl 60 for the expansion .It might even be one time level 60 and then pay or unlock with cartel coins to get more insta-60s Edited by NUTMANIAC
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You have a choice to use one of your old lvl 60 toons or get an immediate lvl 60 for the expansion .It might even be one time level 60 and then pay or unlock with cartel coins to get more insta-60s


I would think that'd be pretty stupid, but then I realize that it's EA and they survive on micro-transactions...

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I would think that'd be pretty stupid, but then I realize that it's EA and they survive on micro-transactions...


When in Rome...

It's working a treat for Blizzard in WoW with Warlords of Dreanor, buy the xpac give a free high level toon with it and charge for additional characters.

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Probably just have the class stories auto finished for the instant 60 and the planet missions are, while low level, are still available to go back and do.

Maybe something like how they did it for Mass Effect 2 with people who don't have Mass Effect 1, they play the 'comic' story and create there story background of what you choose for curtain events for good or evil.

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