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Knights of the Fallen Empire - Subscription Only and/or Purchase Options?


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Well do come back when you got some 'proper' information then, beyond whats currently publicly available. All we got is just general information and conjecture, Bioware hasn't released any proper breakdowns such as total paying sub numbers, cartel market total purchases etc. People so far has been drawing conclusions based on those, its not the best but without any other information, its the best that's currently available


Exactly my point. Let me clarify, I wasn't saying the opposite of your claim was true, just challenging the claim you made was that the CM saved the game v/s what the option to play free brought to the table in that regard. What is obvious is both brought some health to the game. We just can't precisely claim one saved the game, while the other had next to no effect.

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Exactly my point. Let me clarify, I wasn't saying the opposite of your claim was true, just challenging the claim you made was that the CM saved the game v/s what the option to play free brought to the table in that regard. What is obvious is both brought some health to the game. We just can't precisely claim one saved the game, while the other had next to no effect.


Your correct as well in that my data was just based on conjecture but again without any other official data from Bioware or EA we cannot really say whether it was just cartel market or CM + Subs and so forth. Yes I guess my word 'precise' is wrong, it should be 'from what I've read'.

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Well from what I've read on some sites, it was the Cartel Market that saved the game. All the F2P people did was to bulk out the numbers and only a few subbed or went preferred. If it wasn't for all the cartel market profits, EA would have shut this game down a long time ago


Yes, and no...


The reality is that the F2P players aren't bringing much to the game, other than numbers and people logged in. EA has said that the bulk of CM sales are to subs, which makes sense. If anyone is going to spend money on the game, it is someone already subbed.


People who, for whatever reason, can't or won't sub, also won't spend much if anything on the CM.


They could have kept the game a sub and come out with the CM and perhaps had a similar result.

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