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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Refer a friend question


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If someone subscribes using your link and you get the reward for it, you keep it permanently, correct? Even if they eventually unsubscribe?


Well, you get 100CC every time they get their Complimentary Coins from subscription so if they stop subscribing you stop getting 100CCs per month from them.

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Yeah those are permanent as far as I know.


Oh yeah, those are totally permanent. Judging from my monthly grants, I know not everyone who has subbed with my link has stayed subbed, but I still have the mount and all the pets. That said - don't scoff at those CC. I've probably earned 60-70K CC just with referral clicks. That can add up to a LOT of shinies.

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* The mount and pets are permanent on all your characters. (only received for first 5 referrals)


* You receive 600cc per new referral.


* When your referrals re-subscribe monthly, you receive 100cc.


Personally speaking, I think they should add additional referral bonuses for referral #6+, like a free server transfer, or maybe 12x EXP bonuses, etc. Maybe make it a periodic bonus, like every 5th referral, or for every 5th/10th referral that renews their sub? As it is now, the cartel coins are nice, but not exciting like in the beginning.


Regardless, I love everyone that clicks on my referral link in my signature below.

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