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Returning player: achievements


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I know that it wasn't possible to retrospectively grant achievements for many things (e.g. kills) but I'm missing the 'Story Missions' achievements on the two chars I had at 50 prior to patch 2.0. Is this as intended? I don't really want to level two new chars just for the sake of the achievement, as it seems to be one of those that could have been retrospectively awarded. Am I stuck with rolling additional chars if I want the achievement?
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- Be sure to log into those characters.

- BW has commented on this issue last year (post here), I'm not aware about any new advancement. You can try write in-game ticket in the appropriate category (not 'bug reports', those go to QA guys, not CS), maybe there has been some development and they can help you now, but I suspect this bug needs patch fix and CS can't do anything about it.

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I am in the same boat - my then-level-50 Smuggler has advanced to level 60, now, but I missed out on the earlier class-story completion achievements. Thing is, I think the level 50 // end of Chapter 3 achievement also rewards the holo-sign for your class. I have holo-signs fora ll the OTHER classes who hit level 50 ~recently~. But none for my Smuggler.


So while 12x XP is active, I made a new smuggler (alternate Advanced Class) and have been grinding. Just finished Hoth around 41st level or so... almost painful, even at 12x XP, but hopefully I can hold out. :)

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Had a response from Customer Service: 'known issue', nothing can be done. I'll hold out for them to fix it before rolling more of the same class. What really bugs me is missing out on all the nightmare mode ops and hard mode flashpoints that will be a real problem to get done again.


A bit difficult to understand how such a bug could have happened. Disappointing for someone who loved the game and only left when there was nothing left to do. My Founder title might as well read 'don't check my achievements as I started playing a bit too soon'.


Here's hoping for a bit of love from the bug fixers at some point:)

Edited by Kristle
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