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Weekly / Daily Tracker, Datacrons, Acheivements, Quests.


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Please please please can you add something like the lockout section for ops that applies to Weekly Planet side quests, i'm sure many others have a lot of characters at level 60 as I do and over the course of a week its hard to keep track of what you have or have not done. This could be something simple that just checks Yavin, CZ, Ziost etc etc as red or Green to indicate if you have completed the weekly or not. Would save having to go to each area to check. Or maybe add another weekly that gives a Reward for Completing all the Planet weeklies. This Could also be another way to check if the quests are done or not.


Datacrons added to legacy, We have all done it, and either given up or trudged through to get it done. Please make the datacron collection a Legacy wide Upgrade, its a grind, and a massive one at that, noone wants to do this on 8+ characters. there are something like 50-60 to collect (correct me if im wrong) which means on 8-12 characters you will do this over 700 times......Its a bit ridiculous, if the datacrons were easy to obtain, then fine, 50% are not. I dont know maybe make it a credit sync, 2 million / 500 CC or something and its added to all characters.


Achievements: I left the game for sometime and like many many others I am missing some major achievement updates, According to my Legacy ( I have a Trooper, Smug, Knight and Consular) but i have never been to Tython, or Ord mantell or any location after that. Please can you sort this so players get the titles and achievements they have done. Understandably kill counts cant be done, but Locations, Class Quests, Persons of note and Boss kills can as all of these are located and checked in your characters Codex. I for one have apparently Never been to the Eternity Vault but have a Codex that says ive completed it on Nightmare.


Add more spaces to the Quest Log. LOTRO allows you to store up to 80 quests, its 12 years old.....No excuses, Quest logs do not cause lag, its text.


Never Gonna Happen Request:


Stop adding all the good items to the Cartel Market.....Put something decent in game once in a while.


Thank you.

Edited by Nippon
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