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Why didn't Nox eat Revan?


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You have two options to bind a ghost.


1) Blood pact. Mutual agreement, the ghost comes willingly. Revan would not agree to lend you power because he feels his time is over. And, you know, you're kinda sorta a Sith Lord who may or may not try to destroy the Republic.


2) By force. This option probably doesn't work that well if the ghost is decisively more powerful than you though. And I guess that's the problem with Revan.

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I don't think the apparition of Revan is a force ghost in the technical sense because Revan isn't dead. There's a schizm of his personality that manifests itself as a "spirit" but Revan is still walking around when you first come across the spirit in the temple on Yavin IV for the first time.

At the end of the final fight, Revan isn't killed, but beat down and the spirit and corporeal Revan recombine. Revan isn't dead after the recombining so once again, he's technically not a force ghost like the ones Nox had used in the past.

The force ghosts that Nox had "eaten" during the Story Quests were dead individuals. Revan's "ghost" was a projection of his good/sane side, not a force ghost.

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I don't think the apparition of Revan is a force ghost in the technical sense because Revan isn't dead. There's a schizm of his personality that manifests itself as a "spirit" but Revan is still walking around when you first come across the spirit in the temple on Yavin IV for the first time.

At the end of the final fight, Revan isn't killed, but beat down and the spirit and corporeal Revan recombine. Revan isn't dead after the recombining so once again, he's technically not a force ghost like the ones Nox had used in the past.

The force ghosts that Nox had "eaten" during the Story Quests were dead individuals. Revan's "ghost" was a projection of his good/sane side, not a force ghost.

Revan's body falls over dead after the light and dark sides of his personality reunite, the Force Ghost stays.

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Revan's body falls over dead after the light and dark sides of his personality reunite, the Force Ghost stays.


I interpreted the ending different than you, but I will concede that Revan's body falls and leave it at that.


I will stand by the fact that the fact Revan's "good" side manifestation is present as a spirit contemporaneously to Revan still being alive which makes it different than the force ghosts Nox fed on previously. As I wrote earlier, the force ghosts were of dead people, not a projection of a split personality.

Conceding that Revan "dies" at the end of the fight, I still think the recombining of Revan's two halves kept Nox from consuming him. /shrug

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