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Sentinel / Marauder DMG Suggestions


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Hi, first of all this is just a suggestion that i'm throwing here so the community can give his opinion about it.

Now, with the recently added Ardor / Relentless BW fixed the movement / root breaking need that the class had, plus a good team utility without the need to sacrifice the centering / fury stacks, and this is a great step forward, but the class still needs more work (in my opinion) to be viable at competitive levels (ranked/HM content).

So i came with this.

Secondary weapon acc 57% => 90%

Repelling Blows / Deep Wound on Annihilation / Watchman now increase the dmg of the whole skill by 10% instead of 5% and just direct dmg.

Precision / Gore now has a stack system it gives you 3 stacks, each skill used consumes 1 with the exception of Master Strike / Ravage that consumes 2, 1 for the first two strikes and 1 for the third strike ( idk if this can be made)

Fleetfooted / Unbound now gives Transcendence / Predation 5 seconds of movement impairing and physics immunity on activation instead of just purging it, this effect cannot occur more than once every 30 secs, this effect is only applied to you, also the 30% movement buff is removed to balance.

So thats it, i wasn't theorycrafting this so maybe the numbers need some tweak, but what do you guys think.

Useless changes? too much? too little? needs another focus?


EDIT: Feedback

Ok so i think it was too much so i adjusted the offhand numbers and removed the Searing Saber / Bleedout change.

Also added Precision / Gore changes.

On the defensive side i think that the class could use a 30% dmg reduction on stuns, but what i'm trying to do here is keep that feeling of high risk high reward.


Edited it again so the dps increase is more stable and less rng dependant, would really like to parsec this though.


Removed off hand dmg buff

Added Fleetfoot / Unbound changes so the class can have a better uptime overall on target in exchange of a little bit of group utility, with these numbers Sentinels / Marauder will have a 16,6% uptime movement impairing immunity compared to the 26,6% (without B.Command / Warmonger) of Juggs / Guardians.

Edited by Rhaksor
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I would just be happy if Dual Wield Mastery was a baseline stat (or a utility at least) on Sents/Maras like Single Saber Mastery is on Guardians/Juggers. Pre-3.0, we were able to spec 2 (outta 3) points into Dual Wield Mastery in both Watchman & Focus (Concentration) specs (optimal Watch/Focus spec's wouldn't allow full 3 points). Now it's locked to Combat alone. Each point into pre-3.0 Dual Wield Mastery would increase the OH damage by 12%...thus, at 2 points, it was an additional 24% OH damage available to Watchman and Focus (Concentration). If you notice, Dual Wield Mastery in Combat spec post 3.0 increases OH damage by 25%...where at a full 3 points in the pre-3.0 skill tree it was 36%.


Thus, IMHO, if all three specs could once again have access to pre-3.0 Dual Wield Mastery, it would provide an acceptable DPS increase that wouldn't be "OP" due to the miss-rate/RNG of the OH as it stands now, while giving us back a utility we once had since launch.

Edited by EenVooral
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I've only been playing a sent since i started one for the knight story a few weeks ago but with my limited experience (I only pvp at 60) I would much rather have better survivability than more damage, as combat I have excellent burst but I'm far too squishy compared to other classes who can do the same or more burst, I don't think more DPS is the answer, rather better DCDs.
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Hi, first of all this is just a suggestion that i'm throwing here so the community can give his opinion about it.

Now, with the recently added Ardor / Relentless BW fixed the movement / root breaking need that the class had, plus a good team utility without the need to sacrifice the centering / fury stacks, and this is a great step forward, but the class still needs more work (in my opinion) to be viable at competitive levels (ranked/HM content).

So i came with this.

Secondary weapon acc 57% => 90%

Secondary weapon dmg 30% => 40%

Repelling Blows / Deep Wound on Annihilation / Watchman now increase the dmg of the whole skill by 10% instead of 5% and just direct dmg.

Precision / Gore now has a stack system it gives you 3 stacks, each skill used consumes 1 with the exception of Master Strike / Ravage that consumes 2, 1 for the first two strikes and 1 for the third strike ( idk if this can be made)

So thats it, i wasn't theorycrafting this so maybe the numbers need some tweak, but what do you guys think.

Useless changes? too much? too little? needs another focus?


EDIT: Feedback

Ok so i think it was too much so i adjusted the offhand numbers and removed the Searing Saber / Bleedout change.

Also added Precision / Gore changes.

On the defensive side i think that the class could use a 30% dmg reduction on stuns, but what i'm trying to do here is keep that feeling of high risk high reward.


Edited it again so the dps increase is more stable and less rng dependant, would really like to parsec this though.


I think the accuracy is a good touch, but changing both at the same time could create risk.

The main cruncher for offhand is the simple fact you're at the mercy of luck.

It's already 30% base, which is decent, considering Guardian's now have Single Saber Mastery giving them 20%

But the ill-parity of this is that they don't have accuracy modifiers for that lone 20% lightsaber damage boost. We do.

I think simply buffing the Accuracy alone would suffice, because without so many misses, the dps becomes more stable, which is kinda good for a sustained dps class...

The key aspect is 'reliability', and offhand offers you nothing in referendum to this.


The only one problem I see with this, is that Mercenaries and Gunslingers would most likely be forced to encounter the exact same issue with the exact same argument, and comparing their dps values to their own counterpart, makes for an interesting chemistry of outcome. So buffing offhand damage could come at a risk, to the detrement of Commandos and Snipers.


If anything off-hand wise needs to be altered, it has to be it's reliability, not it's damage.


I really like the Precision idea... but Bioware must hate this ability or something. Because I'm pretty sure every change to Sentinels, this ability has been nerfed somewhat. So I doubt it will ever happen. But it's nice that people actually press for that idea. I think it's a great idea, and it offers and creates some comparability between Disciplines.


As far as Repelling Blows and Mind Seer is concerned...

I think they should make that percentage damage complicit to how many stacks of Juyo form you have.

Make it do something like, 3% bleed crit damage bonus for each stack of Juyo form or something.

That way it will have a snowball of 18% crit damage bonus. Which isn't as high as 2.x 's 30%, but not as painfully lacklustre as 5%

Considering the nerf to Juyo Form, (2% damage increase reduced to 1% damage increase per stack)

I think it will create a new form of appreciation of the amount of stacks you have on your Juyo form. Although Sentinels innately inherit the mentality of maintaining their Juyo stacks at all times. It still creates a form of appreciation for them

My opinion...

Edited by Bonzenaattori
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