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Assassin better suited for Emperor's Wrath than Warrior?


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Since the Emperor's Wrath is the role of a hitman rather than a foot soldier or a leader of large armies, shouldn't a Sith Assassin who's more specialized for that kind of killing be better for that position than a Sith Warrior? Edited by Sadishist
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I always thought of the Wrath as more of an Enforcer rather than Assassin type character. And for an Enforcer, you generally want the biggest, meanest, loudest dog, not the quietest.


This. The Wrath's job is to make it absolutely clear who had you killed. He walks up to your front door, kicks it in, kills everyone who dares try to stop him and executes you. He doesn't leave by stealth either, he walks right back out the same way he came and once again kills everyone who tries to stop him. It's a brutal message for people who might misunderstand a nice clean assassination.

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Since the Emperor's Wrath is the role of a hitman rather than a foot soldier or a leader of large armies, shouldn't a Sith Assassin who's more specialized for that kind of killing be better for that position than a Sith Warrior?


An assassin is a subtle tool used to kill people in stealth, the Hand has assassins, Wrath on the other hand (pun) is meant to be seen, he/she is suppose to be as subtle as a nuclear weapon. If you followed the story, the people in the Empire who turned away from the Empire needed to be Destroyed in public view, so everyone would remember the Emperors Wrath.


Assassins is how you deal with Smugglers and criminals, Wrath is used against planets and governments.




And yes Darth Marr asks Wrath to be Subtle, meaning he didn't understand Wraths role in the Empire.

Edited by gothshark
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