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Darth Vader and Darth Tyranus vs Darth Nox and Emperor's Wrath


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Also the comics and novels which exist alongside the movies and cartoons that are being released. This also doesn't help the other team, considering Vader has shown to be more powerful now as he pretty much atomized several large Leyleks into gore among other things.


He also has another series coming out, taking on the entire Rebellion and being quoting as going to cut loose with his power.


Sounds cool, but I'm more interested on what Disney will do with the Franchise going beyond Episode VI (My theory is that Rey will be the one to become a Jedi in Episode VII, it should be interesting to have a female Jedi that's more than a background character) Video Games are way ahead of movies when it comes to to having female Jedi or Sith as protagonists, but movie makers keep looking down on video games.


I don't expect characters from Legends/EU being name dropped, least of all anything regarding the Old Republic era.

Edited by ChazDoit
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Also the comics and novels which exist alongside the movies and cartoons that are being released. This also doesn't help the other team, considering Vader has shown to be more powerful now as he pretty much atomized several large Leyleks into gore among other things.


He also has another series coming out, taking on the entire Rebellion and being quoting as going to cut loose with his power.


What are Leyleks google did not delivered.

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What this guy is doing is critically assesing what is written. If for example you read that water is composed of coal and nitrogen will you belive it?? Most certainly NOT.


You claim that Vader and Dooku are so great yet you still won't accept that Nox is at least good duelist- defeated sith lord Palladius without usage of any force abilities while Palladius had years of experiance and still could use his force abilities.


You claim Nox and Wrath don't show good TK abilities- they blast reinforced door during BLack Talon while beeing just out of Korriban. At the endo of SI story Nox easily manages to make Thanaton kneel using TK.


Nox still being an aprentice fresh out of Korriban defeated Darth Skotia, which noone belives an apprentice could do.

Later Nox kills Jedi Master Nomar Organa, born assasin Lord Cineratus, Darth Kallous befor the battle with Thanaton and Darth Enraj also befor the battle with Thanatoon. Enraj battle was most likely mostly lightsaber battle because of tight spaces of corridors near DC chamber.

Also some of Nox feats are done while at the same time fighting with bound ghosts over her own brain and body so yeah....


About Wrath i can't tell much cause i'm just after quests of getting Jaesa. But Wrath still was capable enough to turn Jedi Knight (i think), darkside, remind Jedi Master of his dark side past.

So i think it's pretty laughable when you claim that Nox and Wrath are like babies compared to Vader and Dooku



BoardingParty- Black Talon


Edited by muchano
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What are Leyleks google did not delivered.


You know that Sand Demon on Tatooine for the Hero of Tython? The one they hyped as being massively difficult to kill?


Yeh, that. Vader eviscerated a herd of them and TK'd their Queen.

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What this guy is doing is critically assesing what is written. If for example you read that wate is composed of coal and nitrogen will you belive it?? Most certainly NOT.


You claim that Vader and Dooku are so great yet you still won't accept that Nox is at least good duelist- defeated sith lord Palladius without usage of any force abilities while Palladius had years of experiance and still could use his force abilities.


You claim Nox and Wrath don't show good TK abilities- they blast reinforced door during Boarding Party while beeing just out of Korriban. At the endo of SI story Nox easily manages to make Thanaton kneel using TK.


Nox still being an aprentice fresh out of Korriban defeated Darth Skotia, which noone belives an apprentice could do.

Later Nox kills Jedi Master Nomar Organa, born assasin Lord Cineratus, Darth Kallous befor the battle with Thanaton and Darth Enraj also befor the battle with Thanatoon. Enraj battle was most likely mostly lightsaber battle because of tight spaces of corridors near DC chamber.


About Wrath i can't tell much cause i'm just after quests of getting Jaesa. But Wrath still was capable enough to turn Jedi Knight (i think), darkside, remind Jedi Master of his dark side past.

So i think it's pretty laughable when you claim that Nox and Wrath are like babies compared to Vader and Dooku


Uhh, who? I don't think anyone's said any of that.


Though Nox is an average duelist at best, though she's good at chaining in force usage. Dooku... Dooku is not average.

Edited by Selenial
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What are Leyleks google did not delivered.


Sorry Lyleks, not Leyleks. But they are large insetoid creatures with blaster resistant hides and having stronger bodies than actual armor.


Of course even that, you have Vader in the new canon tearing down freighters from the sky and crushing an AT-AT too among other stuff.

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You claim that Vader and Dooku are so great yet you still won't accept that Nox is at least good duelist- defeated sith lord Palladius without usage of any force abilities while Palladius had years of experiance and still could use his force abilities.


This is a good mirror of young palpatine who performed amazing feats without even being trained in the force, before Plagueis took him as an apprentice.


Of course even that, you have Vader in the new canon tearing down freighters from the sky and crushing an AT-AT too among other stuff.


And he survived an AT-AT being dropped on his head

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You know that Sand Demon on Tatooine for the Hero of Tython? The one they hyped as being massively difficult to kill?


Yeh, that. Vader eviscerated a herd of them and TK'd their Queen.


you mean the one where the machine that was trying to destroy the planet together with the Jedi master? The one where HoT killed their queen and a heard of sand demons?

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you mean the one where the machine that was trying to destroy the planet together with the Jedi master? The one where HoT killed their queen and a heard of sand demons?


The HoT did not kill their queen, (s)he killed a single grown adult and a few babies.

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You claim that Vader and Dooku are so great yet you still won't accept that Nox is at least good duelist- defeated sith lord Palladius without usage of any force abilities while Palladius had years of experiance and still could use his force abilities.


Also if this is not considered as one of Nox achievements I'll know not to take the poster seriously.

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I'm 1800 words in and probably about 25% there.... Give me time, dear :jawa_redface:


Though it might be more like 30%, since I'm at Lightsaber abilities for Nox which is basically one quote.


There Nox lighsaber abilities, few pagas earlier about no information on TK abilities of Nox and Wrath, but:






Freshly out of Sith Academy, while experienced Jedi knight and his apprentice:


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There Nox lighsaber abilities, few pagas earlier about no information on TK abilities of Nox and Wrath, but:






Freshly out of Sith Academy, while experienced Jedi knight and his apprentice:



If you notice however, in those instances the Wrath and Nox had to gather power just to destroy the door.

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How many did Vader submit?


You know, when he's telekinetically obliterating them so hard it makes them look vaporised, I don't think he stopped to wonder if he should TP them.



Vader rushed forward, blade held high. He ducked a tentacle, sidestepped the stab of a spiked leg, and with a crosscut severed the head from a lylek as it lunged at him. Crushing the skull under his boot, he used the Force to propel the headless carcass into a trio of the creatures behind it, turning them into a knot of legs and tentacles and chittering.


Feeling danger behind, he spun and lopped off the two front legs of another lylek that was poised to impale him through the back. He leapt atop its flailing, skittering body, riding it for a time while his blade slashed and stabbed at its fellows. He ended the creature’s squeals of pain by driving his blade down and through its abdomen.


Bounding off its back, he rushed among the seething mass of lyleks, heedless now of their stabbing limbs and biting teeth, his lightsaber severing legs, tentacles, heads, mandibles, covering the floor in ichor-soaked body parts. Impacts from the tentacles and legs and hulking bodies barely moved him. None penetrated his armor, and what little pain they managed to inflict could not surpass the pain he carried always within him.


A spiked leg caught him squarely, slammed hard into his side, and drove him sideways into the tentacles of another lylek, which immediately wrapped around his legs and lifted him upside down from the floor.


While he hung there, another lylek lunged forward, mouth open wide as though to snap off his head. He drove his lightsaber into its open mouth and out the back of its head, and it fell dead to the floor. The creature holding him drew him toward its own mouth, but he simply bent at the waist and severed the tentacle holding him. He flipped in midair as he fell, landed on his feet, spun, and severed the forelegs from a lylek before him. It collapsed, screeching and spraying ichor from the stumps, its huge body thumping into him in its pained spasms. The impact of its bulk knocked him backward, but he rode the motion into a spinning crosscut that bisected another lylek’s head. He’d killed dozens, a score or more, yet still they kept coming, the press of them restricting his movement, buffeting him, spiked legs slamming into the floor all around him.


Roaring, he dodged and jumped and spun through them, his blade slashing and stabbing, until a blow from a tentacle caught him flush in the chest and sent him careening backward. The creature that had struck him followed up, tentacles grasping, jaws clicking, the spears of its forelegs raised high. Meanwhile the spiked leg from another lylek slammed into his back. His armor prevented the limb from skewering him, but the impact drove him back toward the charging lylek.


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Well are they not? Barshen' thor was stronger in the force at 4 years then jedi teenager at 16. He used a jedi ritual that killed all its other users but not him. Nox has ancient sith ghosts and a enchanced body so yeah they can. Also try trowing 2 sticks at the same time against something did you need to be proficient to trow them? Also he probably needs to be proficient to bring them back in his hand because that is a very advanced force skill that only the best and trained can do not a young kid like Starkiller was when he did that in a cutscene.


Congratulations on missing the point entirely!

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If you notice however, in those instances the Wrath and Nox had to gather power just to destroy the door.


No they did not only on of them destroyed the door.

@Above I proved to you that you can make it sound plausible as I said no limitation in a story unlike in gameplay.

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No they did not only on of them destroyed the door.


Yes they did, in both of their instances. You see the Wrath gathering up strength for a TK on the door, then in Nox you have gathering strength for Force Lighting on the door.


Two separate instances of the same, have them gathering power to destroy the door.

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Yes they did, in both of their instances. You see the Wrath gathering up strength for a TK on the door, then in Nox you have gathering strength for Force Lighting on the door.


Two separate instances of the same, have them gathering power to destroy the door.


What are you talking about the wrath had his hands crossed while Nox gathered power. you gather power by crossing your hands?

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