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Question to Lore Masters and Writers: Robotic Race why hasn't it be added to SWTOR?


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Besides the probably obvious reasons like; Romance, Force using Classes, hard to write in the stories, cosmetics, armor, clothing... etc... :confused:


Why hasn't the Robotic Humanoid Race been added... I know a new race is coming out, but I have always wondered this... specially now that I'm about to complete all my Stories in Imperial Side, I can see the content is there, from the basic robotic companion to the constantly evolving ones...they have their own armors and even some can mimic what looks like force powers... :rolleyes:


Its their no story of ANY robotic race evolving beyond its programing... I know we got the cyborgs, but they are not even close to even the most famous of cyborg like Grievous (who would not LOVE to split their hands into 4 and wield 4 lightsabers in each?!)? I know for sure if I could fight like that Cyborg I would have probably role most of my characters into one! :cool:


Maybe it's more of a Developer limitation than a lore one? Or maybe it's a writer's block on how to get that Type of race into a Class and write in a story that fits in? I was going to put this as a suggestion but I'm just too new at this Star wars lore thing to actually put valid points for the Writers and developers to consider it... not to mention I don't really know if the fans like it or shot me down... :eek:


So I just wanted to see what you think or know about it...? it just seem the content is there but I guess they just left as a companion or NPC thing... :o


Any light on the subject or insight on this even if it's just a theory base on the Lore or Books would be appreciate... :D


PS: Omg this game have made me a into a such a fan of this stuff I can't get enough! :p

Edited by Zehal
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If you mean "why no droids as playable characters?"


The lore is simple, droids are considered to be property. They are not sentient, they do not have free will. Even the most goody-goody jedi treat droids as tools and little more. Anyone in the galaxy would appear incredulous if/when a droid approached with a humanoid companion in tow.


There are only a handful of perceived exceptions to this, R2-D2 being one of them (but even Artoo after decades of service without a memory wipe could be wiped). Even C-3P0 had his memory wiped at the end of RotS. Even Scorpio (Imp Agent companion) for all "her" bluster to the contrary, is the property of the Agent.

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If you mean "why no droids as playable characters?"


The lore is simple, droids are considered to be property. They are not sentient, they do not have free will. Even the most goody-goody jedi treat droids as tools and little more. Anyone in the galaxy would appear incredulous if/when a droid approached with a humanoid companion in tow.


There are only a handful of perceived exceptions to this, R2-D2 being one of them (but even Artoo after decades of service without a memory wipe could be wiped). Even C-3P0 had his memory wiped at the end of RotS. Even Scorpio (Imp Agent companion) for all "her" bluster to the contrary, is the property of the Agent.


I guess... a shame really, I guess if they added them as a playable character, it had to be completely an out of the main story thing... like the HK companion thing... unless the writers become godly creative since you put it that way it's near impossible. :(

I guess if they add more stuff on the robotics it be more on par with a General Grievous kind of thing and it go to the Cyborg race...


Anyway thank you psandak for your insight on it, hope others players have their to add here too...


NOTE: Had to make the title like that as it would not fit but Im glad you got the sense of the idea!:D

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Even the most goody-goody jedi treat droids as tools and little more.


Not Leeha Narezz. And the Knight if you chose to agree with her.


Have you done Directive 7, Zehal? You should if you're interested in droid stuff.

Edited by Senrie
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Not Leeha Narezz. And the Knight if you chose to agree with her.


Have you done Directive 7, Zehal? You should if you're interested in droid stuff.


I'm almost about to complete the BH and last of the stories in imperial haven't started with republic... will start soon if i still have time in the XP boost... (without the exp boots i would have never bother... Im just a filthy casual hahhaah) :D


Is that the republic side? or an agent mission what you said, (I don't remember them except for the SCORPIO companion)?


Thank you in advance for this, as you might guess I'm discovering the SWTOR lore as I play it... and look stuff up with recent TV series and other stuff... as I never like the original 1-6 movies... it only started to seem interesting when I play the games of Bioware, saw tv series and similar recent stuff... :rolleyes:


NOTE: Don't worry about spoiling this part, for me the spoilers of movies and stuff is what gets me to see them...

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It's a L50 Republic and Imperial flashpoint. You can solo it at 55 or 60. It's about a droid collective that isolates itself from the galaxy until their leader, a sentient AI named Mentor, decides to exterminate all organic life. The subject of droid rights is broached a bit.
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With how many cybernetic outfits they've released on the CM, do we really need them as a race?

Get the proper helmet and you'll even have the robotic voice modulation going on.



And this one seems nice for the Grievous fans. http://tor-fashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Dark-Seeker-Female-Mask_thumb.png :p


You can easily build yourself a robot character with those. Just mail them to your new alt. Every starting planet has a mailbox basically right outside the entrance.


I believe that's BW's contribution to those who want to play a robot, or a true cyborg (compared to the race that only has a few facial implants). :)

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